Bram Carter
How to Choose a Theory: Empiricism from Verificationism to Pragmatism
Tyler Cochran-Branson
Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Exploring the Intersections Between Anthroposophy and Contemporary Alt-Right Radicalization
Chloe Gocher
Persephone's Garden : A Thesis in English Creative Writing
Sage Lidzbarski-Lahti
White Male Apologists: How Online Fandom Treats Their Pet Narcissists
Olivia Martin
Woodstock and Altamont Were Not Counterculture: Capitalism Within the Music Industry
Hayden Mattson
A Case Study of 'The Wolverine': How film represents comorbid mental disorders in the character "Wolverine" through a fantastical lens, and the impact of this representation on men
Muhammad Mir
Modeling Water Optimization in Jordanian Agricultural Economy
Chekwubechi Okunowo
Sino-Africa Investment: Examining its Role as a Political Preservation Strategy for African Political Elites
Júlia Oliveira Souza
Disconnected Identities: (re)constructions of Brazilian National Identity in the Latin American context
Kris Perez
"Beheading" The Minotaur: How Anna Ziegler's Modern Myth Reframes Classical Storytelling for a Modern Audience: A Director's Perspective
Emily Pieczyrak
Literature's Identity Crisis: Simulation and Selfhood in Contemporary Fiction : A Thesis in English Literature
Eleanor Poethke
Summer Camp and Cultural Memory: The intersection of memory and physical space at Cross Roads Camp and Retreat Center
Molly Reidmiller
Defending Dignity: An Exploration of the Menstrual Equity Movement in Prisons Through the Lens of the Missouri Case
Charlotte Reing
Parla come mangi: Food, Presentation, and the Break from Tradition in Italian Visual Culture
Casey Brookes Richardson
Professionals or Predators: Patterns of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict
Grace Rinehart
Is AI "Taking Over" Our Responses to (Mis)Information? How Artificial Intelligence and Group Membership Shape Perceptions of Political Messaging
Melinna C. Sanchez
Protecting Preimplantation Genetic Testing Patients: A Social Support Perspective
Sarah Selim
'What's Yours is Ours': BookTok, the Romance Genre, and the Authorial Reader
Jamie Smith
"A taste for killing" versus "Abusive, traumatic childhoods":
People's beliefs about the influence of nature and nurture in heinous, violent crimes
Nicole Sydor
Exporting and Reconstructing Imagined Communities: Global Literature, Translation, and Kazuo Ishiguro : A Thesis in English Literature and French
Edilson Dylan Torres
CONTRA ELLA: The Impact of the Dobb's Decision on Latina Reproductive Justice
Angelae Wunderle
Mathematical Movements: Bringing Dance into the Classroom
Nia Zeikidze
Advocating for Sustainability in Fast Fashion: Efforts by Nonprofit Organizations
Katja Zengel
Gender and Nationalism: Women's Roles in Twentieth-Century Spain
Britney Bossman
Sustainability in the Clothing Industry: A Case Study Analysis on H&M, Zara, and Shein
Zoe Bowser
Art History in STEAM: Integrating Art Historical Content and Pedagogy into High School Mathematics Curricula
Tori Cavallo
Disability: Advocation and Representation in Theatre and the Community
Charlotte Clements
The effects of housing style and individual history on the behavior of domestic cats (Felis catus) in animal shelters
Rachel Comfort
Soccer Substitution Patterns: Analysis of the 2022 FIFA World Cup
Jamie Lynn Connors
Two Approaches to Statistical Research: Frequentist and Bayesian
Emma-Li Downer
'Who's Sexy to Me?': Exploring Asexuality and Recovering Asexual Meanings
Sarah Escamilla
The Role of Latina Women in Nonprofits
Samara Fishkin
Stage to Screen
Cristabella Fortna
French Flute Music as heard in Griffes' Poem for flute and orchestra: A contextualized analysis and performance that demonstrates the French influence in an American 20th century piece
Kiersten Greiner
The Integration of Self-Compassion Programs into School Curriculums
Jane Hahn
Reconceptualizing Patchwriting: Achieving Success through Understanding Failure
Alexa Hinkle
Tears and a Wedding : A Dark Comedy by Alexa deBinder
Pooja Kasarapu
The effects of clobetasol propionate on neuronal viability and myelination in a cellular model of Alzheimer's disease
Juliet LaVigne
Fashion and Disease: An analysis of the effects of tuberculosis in a social context on the physical remains of a 19th century cemetery in Philadelphia
Dillon McCarthy
Orxploitation: Racism in Fantasy Fandom as a Battleground in the "Culture War"
Avianna Miller
On the Threshold: Rituals of Renewal in Jewish Space and "Crip Time" Through a Lens-Based Practice
Harrison Neal
Revolutionizing Central Banking: Demystifying Decentralized Finance Technology and its Integration within the Federal Reserve System
Cameron Orefice
Give me Creative Liberty or Give me Death: Translation as Adaptation/Datemi la libertà creativa o datemi la morte: la traduzione come adattamento
Jeehae Park
Hwaiting! South Korea's Struggle with Democracy
Elizabeth Shack
Skeletons in our Closets: The Ethics of Displaying Human Remains in Museums - Case Studies of the British Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Musée de l'Homme
Celine Alhout
Revealing and Resisting Gender-Based Violence in Palestine
Morgan Alley
The Role of Social Media in the January 6th Insurrection
Amneh Alqudah
Double Trouble: The Intersectionality of Women of Color in American Politics
William Badrigian
The Value of Gold: Hedge, Haven, or Hell for the U.S. Economy?
Tessa Bagby
Presenting... The Angry Brigade: Structural-Ideological Implications of Theatre and Media Forms as Representational Modes
Shady Barsoom
The potential synergistic effects of DCP-LA and resveratrol in mitigating cytotoxicity in an oxidative stress model of Alzheimer's disease
Audrey Borba
Aesthetic Directors Creating Space for Complex Female Characters
Caroline Chovanes
"It's a terrorist organization" versus "A much needed movement": Exploring Predictors of Support and Opposition toward the Black Lives Matter Movement
Cassidy C. Conklin
Barriers and Promoters of Using Social Services: Applying demographic, practical, and psychological predictors through a partnership with a real-world service provider
Alexis Cutshall
The Intersection of Art and Science: The Methods Behind Forensic Facial Reconstruction
Marwa Elessawy
Containing the Contradictions of the Egyptian Uprising Through the New Administrative Capital: A Postcolonial Critique of the Egyptian Armed Forces' Transformation
Candace Foltiny
Disability Narratives: How Representation in American and French Literature and Media Affects Students with Disabilities
Amber A. Frikkee
Europe's Population Decline: Implications for its Global Power in the Decades to Come
Sophia George
Housing Vouchers, Homelessness and Stigma during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Exploratory Study
Bryanna "Licorne / Unicorn" Gould
La langue française: comment la rendre inclusive à une diversité de genres? / The French Language: How do we make it inclusive to a diversity of genders?
Cole Grossmann
The Corporation Cycle of Environmental Injustice That Disrupts Equity
Melanie Haber
From Clickbait to Cruelty: An Analysis of Terrorist Recruitment via Social Media
Caio Hummel Hohl
Relationship Between Interoceptive Awareness, Mindfulness, and Somatization: Examining Competing Perspectives
Emily Jones
Cinematic Women as Warriors Against Capitalism
Dana Kit
Unraveling White Supremacist Discourse Within Right-Wing Populist Groups
Jacob KurtzFreilich
Development of Central Bank Digital Currencies in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies
Emma LiVigne
College Students on Campus with Chronic Illnesses: Resources and Recommendations for New Methods of Care at Drew University
Matthew Macaulay
"Alexandria was no Longer Troubled by Philosophers": The End of Greek Philosophy in Egypt and the Life of Hypatia of Alexandria
Helen Navas Carrera
Mediated Images of Latinxs: Histories, Agendas, and Repercussions
David Nesterov-Rappoport
The Evolution of Trust: Understanding Prosocial Behavior in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Systems
Krystal Palmer
Multistakeholder Influence on Intellectual Property: Vaccine Equity and Access in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Genesis Perez
The Representation of Native Americans in Film: Focalization, Political Economy, and Anachronistic Space
Ianto Porter
Social Media Use and Impacts on Mental Health: An Examination and Close Look at Tumblr
Renata Primmer
An Employee-Based Perspective on Corporate Investments in Human Capital: The Value of Personalized and Supportive Employee Development Programs
Chara Proud
COVID-19 Health Beliefs and Perceptions Impact on Individual Response to Future Health Emergencies
Nicholas Masferrer Ramirez
The Limping Violinist: Why Thomson's Defense of Abortion Does Not Establish the Conclusion that Abortion is Morally Permissible
Gabriella Danielle Ramirez
The Land of Opportunity?: Title 42 As A Restrictive Immigration Tool In The United States
Stephen Rampolla
Divine Omniscience, Grace, and Free Will: A Defense of Catholic Molinism
Sidney Robert Soqui Resnik
Anatomy of a Mutiny: Reexamining the Conspiracy of Vindex with a Focus on the Role of Coinage
Alyssa Sileo
The Virtues of Virtual Dramaturgy: Collaboration, Engagement, Access
Julia Sinatra
A Gendered Analysis of the Evolution of Conflict Related Aid
Olivia Thompson
"My revenge has just begun! I have spread it over centuries": Gender, Sexuality, and Invasion Anxiety in 20th- and 21st-Century Adaptations of Dracula
Sierra Joy Williams
Stress Responses in Eastern Chipmunks (Tamias striatus) at Two Locations – Drew University and the Great Swamp Watershed Association's Conservation Management Area (GSWA-CMA)
Olivia Yepez
War and Conflict News Media Consumption Habits and Perceptions of University ROTC Cadets
Amiya Young
Analyzing the Role of Greek Women in Athenian Religious Festivals: Are the Conventional Roles of Women Reinforced or Offered an Alternative Reality?
Matheus Ishizuka da Silva
Neoliberalism and Processes of Development in Mato Grosso, Brazil
Maxxe Albert-Deitch
Controlling the Narrative: How National Mythology and Archaeology Shaped Identity in Modern-Day Israel
Aisha Arain
The Politics of Linguistic Power Structures in South-Asia: An Analysis of Language Identity and Nationalism in Pakistan
Brett Cheadle
Analyzing Community-based and Centralized Approaches
to Natural Disaster Management:
A Comparative Case Study Analysis in Southeast Asia
Grace Crozier
The Effects of Physical Activity on Cognitive Development in Adolescents
William DeJianne
Demoralization: Do Perceptions of Low Harm Reduce Moral Conviction?
Lauren DeLillo
Le lettere di Fortunata Mauro: esempio di scrittura epistolare come processo di identità e
assimilazione culturale degli immigrati italiani negli Stati Uniti di inizio Novecento
Stephen Dechert
The Practicalities of Literary Studies: Depictions of Ordinary Life in Ulysses
Kara Dobias
Rectifying a Historical Wrong: A Critical Examination of the Economic and Racial Politics of American Opera
Madison Dudziec
Consociationalism and Ethno-Sectarian Conflict: Iraq's Political Fragmentation and Flawed Federalism
Janna Fadler
Representation of the Environment on Social Media Through Australian and Amazon Forest Fires
Erin Feith
Nursing the Hangover:
The Response of the Methodist Church to the Repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment
Sarah Gass
The Promulgation of
the Alt-Right in
American Politics:
Nativism in Contemporary
Political Discourse
Emily Graves
Life and Death During Industrial Philadelphia:
Skeletal Health and Pathological Conditions of the 1800s
Brynne M. Growney
Masking Up: The Impact of
Political Ideology, Empathy, and Conformity on
People's Choice to Wear a Mask
in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Julia Kenner
"Boys Masturbate, Girls Menstruate:" Reframing and Reforming Sex Education in the United States
Kelly Maegerlein
Investigating the Effects of RD100, a Potential Group III mGluR Positive Modulator, in a Primary Rat Cortical FAB/NMDA Model of Alzheimer's Disease
Annalisa Manabat
Bad Girls, Bold Wives, Bloody Mothers: Monstrous Women in Film Through
the Lens of Women's Liberation
Elsa Nygard
Coeducation at Brother's College,
Peace Oyekola
Elite Bargaining: The Glue That Holds Nigeria's Democracy Together
Brianna Perrone
International Intellectual Property Rights
and the Pharmaceutical Industry:
A Comparison of Former French Colonies
Caroline Polich
World on Fire: Painting Landscapes Altered by Climate Change
Maria Reidy
Collective Identity and a Warming Planet: Exploring the Motivations Behind Climate Change Activism
Rebecca Schuman
The Case for Linking Causes:
Why Animal Rights Are an Environmental Issue
Brianna L. Scotti
Social Distancing: Dividing Life into a Fractured Experience of the Physical and Digital Space to Transform the Human from a User to a Raw Material
Anna Smith
Yes We Can! Or Can We? :
Medicaid Expansion Post-ACA and its Impact on Health Outcomes in all 50 States
Lisa Stites
California's Wildfire Problem: The Neglected Role of Class and Housing
Ryan S. Strauss
The Anglo-American Special Relationship:
Antiquity or Destiny?
Benjamin Strickland
In Silico Discovery of FtsZ Inhibitors for the Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Theresa Vaillancourt
Scottish Independence in a Post-Brexit World:
A Legal Analysis on the Scottish Right to Hold an
Independence Referendum
Alyson Axman
The Opioid Crisis in the United States: An Exploratory Data Analysis of the Driving Factors
Bongiwe Bongwe
Redefining Corruption
Lisa Cappiello
What is the Relationship between Pay Dispersion and Team Productivity in the National Basketball Association?
Vincent Peter Costa
"Here We Have a Special Way of Waging War" British Military Adaptions to War in North America, 1775-1783
Stefanie DeFronzo
Worms on the Brain: The Role of Autism-Related Genes nlg-1 and nrx-1 in Thermotactic and Chemotactic Behavior of C. elegans
Kassel Franco Garibay
Falling Through the Cracks: Invisibility and Rural Women in Ecuador's Comunas
Ludovica Gioacchini
Italy, A Promised Land of Populism: An Analysis of the Five Star Movement and Its Strategic Ascent to Power
Ava Gustafson
A Constant Effort: An Exploration of Feminist Disability Theory and Feminist Ethnography in Producing Just Ethnography in Special Education
Lena Hadler
What are the Effects of Turnover on Team Performance?
Kelly Hartwick
Analyzing Christianity and Social Justice Through Christian Social Movements
Maïmouna Kanté
Flowering Phenology: Lemurs, People, & Climate Change
Virginia Leach
Exclusion of the Included: Racialized Microaggressions at Predominantly White Universities
Tess Liddy
A Country Changed: The Dramatic Shift of Irish Social Values
Maria Jose Navas Espinal
ÚRSULA: Portraying Contemporary Women Across Cultures through Photographic Portraiture
Michelle M. Nestor
U.S. Presidential Nominations: Outsiders in the 2016 Election
Fabrice Nozier
Challenging the "Revolution": An Analysis of Black Panther
Makayla Pardo
Identification and characterization of small molecules that reactivate mutant p53 in human cancer cells
John Rinald
Molecular Mechanism of DCP-LA in an Oxidative Stress Model of Alzheimer's Disease
Adam Sandonato
The Role of Elite Consensus in the Post-War Foreign Policy of the United States and West Germany
Mason Scher
Carbon Isotope Discrimination in Ginkgo: Testing A Paleo-CO2 Proxy
Lydia Segal
Using the Grotesque and Nostalgia to Explore Imbalanced Human-Animal Relationships
Méa Rose St. Amour
Expression Through Depiction: An Analysis of Aesthetic vs. Contextual Qualities
Madeleine E. Taylor
The Use of Civic Reason: Religious Freedom, Secular Government, and the Duty of the Elected Official
Melissa Viana
France as a Target for Terror: A Study of Lone Wolf Terrorism in the 21st Century
Malavika Vishwanath
The Effects of Social Comparison in Athletes: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Body Image and Motivation among Indian and American Competitive Swimmers
Eva Wagenknechtová
The Firehose of Falsehood: How Does Power and Group Membership Impact Perceived Legitimacy
Anna Walker
Birth Mothers in Adoption Reunion Stories: The Complicated Status of Women Who Place Their Children for Adoption
Zarina Akbary
Ketoreductase Activity of 45-million-year-old Yeast Strains Revived from Amber
Sofia Amorim
Whose American Dream?: Identity and Citizenship in Latinx Literature
Ansel Bloom
Tattoos in a Modern Context: Unique or Ubiquitous? A Mixed-Methods Study to Provide Some Answers
Ryann Callaghan
Production of Kibdelomycin by Kibdelosporangium sp. and Discovery of Potential Structural Analogues
Kyra Jean Cipolla
Investigating the relationship between coral species diversity, most abundant coral growth form, and live coral cover with habitat structural complexity in the Caribbean
Sarah Costa
Reactivity of Os2(CO)6(RCONH)2: mechanisms and thermodynamic properties
Dorian Crimmins
Celestial Bodies: Three Themes on Chinese Folk Stories
Eric DiPietro
Batting Average of a Business Degree: Evidence from a Matching Study of Liberal Arts Business Major Alumni
Kelly Duddy
The Ideological Flexibility of Nazi Propaganda: A Case Study of The Nazi Primer
Priya Dutt
The Roles of Mediated and Direct Intergroup Contact in Shaping Attitudes Toward Immigrants
Josephine Emanuelli
Thinking Outside the Box: Using Alternative Food Networks to Alleviate Food Insecurity in New York City
Karan Erry
Resolving Abbreviations and Domain Terms in Source Code using Documentation
Tanner J. Euston
Investigating the role of granulocyte colony stimulating factor as a regulator of the striatal proteome
Rebecca Filetti-Andujo
Wounded Delicacy: Female-bodied sexual performance as a mode of resistance to objectification.
Michael Galioto
Meaning-Makers: Protestant-American Nationalism during the Civil War
Alexandra Greulich
Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis: Potential Odor Responsivity and Cannabidiol Modulation
Laila Hanandeh
"It's Not a Bag. It's a Birkin!" Can the Demand for Hermès Birkin Bags be Explained Through a Neoclassical Framework?
Mohammed Sayed Hassan
Toward automatic summarization of arbitrary java statements for novice programmers
Brian Heist
Effect of Ca2+ ions on the hydrolysis of phenyl esters and anilides, p-nitrophenyl acetate and p-nitroacetanilide
Julien Hryshko
Central Bank Liquidity Swaps of the Financial Crisis: An Analysis of Long-Term Financial Instability
Uma Kantheti
The Interferon Response to Exogenous DNA and DNA Damage is Dependent on DNA-PK along with cGAS/STING Pathway
Ruth Kim
South Korean Anti-Corruption Efforts: A Study of the Chaebol-Government Relationship
Inji Kim
Art Experience in the Digital Age: Augmented Reality as a Medium
Alexandra Koeck
Identity, Political Ecology, and Human Security: A Study of Climate-Induced Intra-Ethnic Conflict among the Fulani in the Sahel Region of Nigeria
Nicolina Lentine
Colony Collapse Disorder: An Exploration of Bee Population Decline and Ways to Prevent Future Losses
Jake Levine
L'esprit de résistance: Legality in Albert Camus's Philosophy of the Absurd
Shaylyn MacKinnon
The Language of Peace?: Understanding the Impact of Peace Corps English Language Education on Developing Economies
Kyle J Majid
Benefits of the Reintroduction of the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) in New York State
Meghan McDermott
Evaluating Vitamin D Supplementation Compliance and Socioeconomic Status in a Pediatric Fracture Population: Clinical Evaluation of Bone Mineral Density
Shayna Miller
Paintings as Talismanic Vessels: An Investigation into Ritual through a Studio Practice
Jaclyn Moldawsky
Frédéric Chopin's Life and Work: The Scholarly Debate and the Limitations of Nineteenth-Century Nationalism
João Pedro Martins Pinheiro
On the Sociological Dynamics of Scandal and Their Consequences: The Case of Zara Brasil, 2011
Hannah Ponturo
Sanchit Sahni
Future of Cryptocurrency: An empirical analysis of Bitcoin as a mode of transaction and investment.
Caitlin Bonita Shannon
Reconstrucciones de identidad: El arte callejero en San Juan, Puerto Rico
Brianna Maria Siciliano
Are plus-size bodies represented in body positive ways?: An exploration of the complex relationship between demanding visibility and empowering audiences
Olivia Sznaza
Out With A Bang: Exposing the Relationship between Gun Violence and the Strength of Gun Laws in the United States
Arline Tarazona
Divalent Calcium Cation-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Phosphodiester Bonds in Cyclic Dinucleotide Molecules
David Van Dongen
Circulating Tumor Cell Isolation using Immuno-Microbubbles
Brooke Winters
It Don't GTMO Worse Than This: An Interpretive Examination of Language, Decision-making, and Jurisprudence of Due Process Rights at Guantanamo Bay
Olivia Winters
La Vie Que J'avais Prévue: The Complicated Relationship between Documentary Theatre and Hate Crimes, Praxis and Analysis
Hayat Abdelal
The Qur'an on Jefferson's Shelf: An Analysis of Thomas Jefferson's Engagement with Islam and Its Influence on America's Religious Framework
Julie Mary Alex
Ca2+ Catalyzed Adenosine 3', 5'-Cyclic Monophosphate Hydrolysis: Insights into the Role of Metals in Phosphodiesterase Active Sites
Haviland Marie Atha-Simonton
Plays about New York City's Gentrification: The Gentrifier, The Gentrified, and the Tension in-Between
Jennifer Victorine Benedict Automatic Munsell Color Detection in Mobile Applications
Olivia N Blondheim
In situ observations of pyrosomes in the northern California Current during an anomalous bloom year
Crystal M. Caragine
Emancipative Values and Democracy: Is a Desire for Freedom a Cause or an Effect of Democracy?
Michael Steven Clancy
A Mathematical Development of Quantum Mechanics
Zoe Laura CoatesFuentes
Heterogeneous Uptake of O3 and SO2 on Kaolinite as a Function of Atmospheric Processing
Keith Costello
The U.S., India, and the Colonial Question: America's Missed Opportunity
Tyler J. Dorrity
Cytokine Responses Generated by cGAMP and other CDNs Depend on Delivery Method
Emily Margaret Dzioba
Devising Form and Content: The Dramaturg as Performance Curator
Joanne Fekete
A Short Story Series in Fiction: Traversing Boundaries
Nathaniel Howard
Saracens and the Sea: Reactions to Contact and Conflict between Muslims and Christians in the Early Medieval Mediterranean
Nicole J Kinney
Marketing Towards the Hispanic American Population: The Microtargeting of Hispanic Subgroups in Advertisements
Kyla Nicole Moutenot
Mapping Odor Representation in the Olfactory Tubercle and Superficial Amygdaloid Nuclei
Marta Muncharaz Duran
The causes and future financial consequences for the City of London after Brexit
Leah Jessica Nadel
Quantifying Compliance to Vitamin D Supplementation: Preference for the Salient and Compliance Incentives to Prevent Osteoporosis in a Pediatric Fracture Population
Ian W Nadler
A Technical Analysis of Polyphonic Vocal Styles
Alexander G. Pearce
Parental Perceptions of Mental Health Treatment Options for Childhood Anxiety Disorder
Saad Nasr Shammoot
I Can't Get No, Satisfaction: A Critical Application of Job Satisfaction
Jennifer Nicole Stein
Do Adults Make Babyface Overgeneralizations When Perceiving Adults Who Have Down Syndrome?
Pearl A Sutter
Effects of DCP-LA on Learning and Memory in an IN VIVO Alzheimer's Disease Model with Ovariectomized Rats
Jared Ryan Sutton
A Labor of Love: The Impact of Union Strength on Democratic Consolidation in Post-Arab Spring Egypt and Tunisia
Blaine Morgan Taylor
Is There an Association Between Partisan Control of State Legislatures and State General Obligation Bond Ratings?
Dalton Alexander Valette
"The Dangerous Faggot" or A Gay Man with Different Opinions
Marybeth Wynen
Behavioral changes in a chronically administered Propionic Acid rat model of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Alexa Mei Young
Mom's the Word: Constructions of Single Motherhood in 1970s and 1980s Popular Fiction
Cara Nicole Anan
Pushing Back at the Patriarchy: Exploring Nineteenth Century Marriage Resistance Literature
Jena Angeliadis
The Challenges of Executing Cross-Border M&A Transactions: A Focus on the Relationship between the U.S. & France
Ilianna Eden Anise
White-tailed deer and small mammal population dynamics over time
Kathleen Michael Annarelli
The Development of the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 and Its Implications for Income Distribution in the United States
Emma Teresa Barakat
Assessment in the 230 Broadway Project and Beyond: What Can Theatre Arts in Education Give Our Students Besides Theatre?
Robert Francis Candia
Assessing the Therapeutic Potential of the Linoleic Acid Derivative DCP-LA in a Pharmacological Rat Model of Alzheimer's Disease
Marley Annika Crank
Dominance, Language and Land in the Peruvian Amazon: a critical study of the discourse surrounding indigenous land rights in Peru
Marianna D'Aries
The Stephen Archive: Readings of Lesbian and Transgender Embodiment in The Well of Loneliness
Robert A. DeMarco Jr
"Stop, children, what's that sound?": American Counter-culture, Rock 'N' Roll, and the Vietnam Experience
Brianna C Donofrio
Modeling Music Therapy in an Alzheimers Disease Cell Culture System through the use of BDNF and LM11A-31
Jed-Joan S Edziah
Secondary Aerosol Formation from Heterogeneous Reactions Involving α-(+)-Pinene and Kaolinite
Cece Elouise Ewing
When Women Write Loudly: Late 20th Century Feminist Fiction as Commentary and Consciousness-Raising Tools
Alexandra Elizabeth Garino
eEF3: The Next Great Antifungal Drug Target
Robert Marcellus Gordon Jr.
Casting the Crisis: Representations of Gay Men's Identities and Their Gendering in New York's AIDS Literature
Joseph J Gotto
Sniffing out the effects of nicotine on olfactory cortical neuron activity and odor preference
Karina Patricia Guaman
Evaluating the Effects of Methylene Blue on the Growth of Axons and the Health of Primary Neuronal Cell Cultures; Implications in Alzheimer Disease Research
Zoe Chapman Hughes
Methods for Characterizing a Confocal Microscope with Optical Phantoms
Hannah B Kohn
Streetwalkers, Women Hunters, and the Shrieking Sisterhood: The Contagious Diseases Acts and Constructions of Women in Nineteenth-Century Britain
Emily Rebecca Kubin
The Cross-Pressure Model of Ideology and Charitable Giving: Exploring the Role of Religiosity and Attributions for Poverty
Samantha Reed Lacey
Stereotype Threat, Financial Decision Making and Fraud in the Aging Population
Katherine Elizabeth Marak
Some Reactions of Triosmium Decacarbonyl Bisethoxide, Os3(CO)10(μ2-OEt)2, with Amides
Allison Haley McMahon
Deep in the Forest of Space: Phenomenological Philosophies, Transforming Worldviews, and Analysis in Painting
Danielle Daly Millick
Investigation of Stereochemical Structural Changes to Inhibit the Human In Vitro Metabolic Rate of Chemical Mutant p53 Reactivators as a Potential Oncology Therapy
Bayleigh Lucille Murphy
Learning From de Kooning and Polke: Shaping my Local
Richa Patel
Twitter Sentiment Implications on the Russell 1000 Universe
Lindsay Jeanne Pearce
Allosteric Modulation of mGlu4 Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors is Protective Against NMDA Induced Toxicity in Primary Neuronal Cell Culture
Silvia V Ramirez
"Dura Mater" as the "Tough Mother": Gendered Language in Neuroscience Textbooks
Taylor Kathryn Redmond
The role of state-dependent oscillators within the olfactory tubercle during olfactory discrimination
Sabine Paszkiewicz Reedy
Scroll, Snap, Like, Tweet, Repeat: An Exploration of Social Media and the Self
Micaela Rose Reininga
The Effect of Context Cues on Emotion Recognition
Victoria Lee Ruhle
"This is London": The Politics of (Im)mobility in Spatial Theory and British Migrant Literature
Alexander Harris Slotkin
The Republic: A City in Translation OR No Translation Is Innocent
Michelle Lauren Taliento
The 230 Broadway Project: Employing Playwriting and Community-Based Performance in Our Classrooms
Rachel Florence Tavani
French Women on the Right: Analyzing the Closing Gender Gap in Radical Right Electorates
Jonathan Randal Teters
The Influence of Scientific and Religious Belief on Coping with Moral Uncertainty
Taylor Tracy
Ladies in Log Cabins: Female-Authored Responses to "Reckless" Individualism
Courtney Leanne Trzasko
"My Mentor Showed Me Just How Far I Could Go": How Mentoring Affects Career Advancement of Women in Finance
Bethania Jessele Viana
My Body, My Choice: Latina Sterilization in the U.S. & Questions of Choice
Gretchen Winterling Walsh
Atomic Legacies: The Historical Significance of the Atomic Bomb in American and Japanese Cultures
Keiran Edgar Wilson
Quantifying "The Fighting Spirit": Using Feminist Theory to Inform Analyses of Empowerment Self-Defense Training as Sexual Assault Prevention Education
Saif Yasin
Kinetic and Computational Analysis of phosphorothioate and phosphorodithioate substitutions in metal ion catalyzed cleavage of RNA models
Alexa Nicole Zbieranowski
Resisting Otherness: Representations of Female Subjectivity in the Italian Renaissance
Areti Zikopoulos
The Role of Type of Caregiving and Attachment Style on the Evaluation of Others' Relationships
David Aguilar Villagomez
Macho Dilemmas: Machismo & Masculine Identities Within the Latino Diaspora (3 studies 2015-2016)
Luis Alberto Baca
Managing Risk: The Portfolio Benefits to International Diversification
Hilda Gissela Bonilla
The Handling of Unaccompanied Minors Entering the United States from Mexico and the Northern Triangle Region
Gabriella Bottalico
Identifying Objects Through Touch
Adam Marques Campos
Do Car Reviews Matter?: An Econometric Analysis on the Influence of Car Reviews on Car Sales in the U.S. Auto Market
Michael Anthony Collina
The Construction of Masculinity in Post-9/11 Literary Narratives
Delmis E Hernandez
Synthesis of Organic Compounds to Model Biological Systems
Kayla Elizabeth Johnson
Disability Art: 'Cripping' the Canon
Clara Keane
A Lost Generation in Central America: A Public Health Perspective
Theresa Marie Kucinski
The Heterogeneous Reaction of Isoprene and Kaolinite
Madeline R Lederer
A Mechanistic and Kinetic Comparison of the Reactivity of Volatile Organic Compounds on Mineral Dusts
Grace Christine Leneghan
Slip Like Shadows: An Exploration Through Physical Theatre of Oppressed Sexuality and Desire in the Women of Tennessee Williams
Dani Leviss
The Ozonolysis of α-Terpineol in an Aqueous Environment: A Model for Atmospheric Cloud Chemistry
Cynthia Nichole Montalvo
Renewable Energy Development in Germany and the United States
Shira Mindy Newman
What about Bambi? An Examination of the Evidential Problem of Evil
Wyatt C Olney
Automatic Summarization of Source Code for Novice Programmers
Alyssa Beth Petersen
A Comparison of Pollution Prevention (P2) Programs across the U.S.
Allison Nicole Rastelli
The Dragon in the Sea: A Case Study of Chinese Foreign Policy in the South China Sea
Shannon Elizabeth Rennie
Do Tweets Matter? Assessing the Value of Social Media Marketing
Stephanie Carolina Sanchez
Evaluation of Human Liver Metabolism of Compounds that Reactivate Mutant p53 in Human Cancer Cells
Robert Edward Sommerhalter
New Synthetic Approaches to Triosmium Decacarbonyl Bisethoxide and the Systematic Design of Linked Triosmium Clusters via Bridging Diols
Felicia Robyn Sparozic
The Black Death: Exploring the Possible Link of the Great Famine and Yersinia pestis through a Bioarchaeological Examination
Adefolakemi O Adenugba
La quête identitaire dans l'oeuvre romanesque d'Henri Lopes depuis 1990
Samuel Jacob Barry
The Social Development of the Music Profession in Ancient Greece
Priyanka Bhattarai
United States Equity Mutual Funds and International Diversification
Andrew R Bodo II
Représentations de la masculinité dans l'œuvre de Xavier Dolan
Kia S Bourdot
Characterizing eEF3 Through The study of its Functional Conservation between Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Noran A Elzarka
Militarization and Incarceration in the "War on Drugs" and "War on Terror": Connecting the Prison-Industrial Complex and the Military-Industrial Complex
Adam D Fanslau
Knowd: A Tool for Organizing and Recommending Online Learning Resources
Sabrina Fruci
What is the Optimal Pricing Model in Securitizing the Revenue Streams of Famous Individuals?
Bridget Reardon Hovell
Performance Art and Sexual Assault
Dylan B. Jones
A New Look at Shared Governance: Prisoner's Dilemma or Ultimatum Game?
Kelsie A. Kolb
Environmental Risk Assessment of Paint Sludge from Ramapo/Ringwood, NJ
Ian M. Lowry
Computational Efficacy of Hamiltonian Moments-based Methods for the Calculation of Non-Tractable Potentials
Allison Ann Megale
The Influence of Language Abstraction on Judgments of Romantic Relationships
Monal Mehta
An in vitro Model of Alzheimer's Disease Using Streptozotocin and Glucose to Test the Ability of Metformin and Insulin to Alleviate Neurodegeneration
Nour E. Miraoui
Effects of Methylene blue on Nerve Cell Viability in an Alzheimer's Disease Hyperglycemic In vitro Model
Laura C Mulholland
Same Shit, Different Century: the World Bank, Imperialism, and Health
Amanda Omeljaniuk
Accept All Substitutes: A Historical Analysis of Cultural Taste Patterns Through An Examination of Mock Cuisine
Kishan Vinay Patel
From Colony to Country: Models of Decolonization and Their Application to Post-Conflict State Building
Mark D Patronella
The Impact of State Level Policies on Residential Solar Panel Installations
Thomas H Price
The Late Paintings of Worthington Whittredge: American Barbizon and the New Internationalism
Christopher C. Recio
Queer Negativity and Utopianism in Virginia Woolf and D.H. Lawrence
Elizabeth P Regedanz
Reactivation of Mutant p53 by Small Molecules: Development of a Reporter Gene Assay for Screening
Sarah Robinson
Self-Oriented and Socially Prescribed Perfectionists' Responses to Feedback:Investigating Aspiration Level, Persistence, and Performance
Eliza G. Sheff
Power Asymmetry, Interstate Cooperation, and Riparian Conflicts: Explaining the U.S.-Mexico Relationship Over Shard Rivers
Catherine L Spino
The Eye of the Beholder: Julia Pastrana, Saarjie Baartman, and the Social Anxieties that Surround Women who Cannot be Controlled
Allison Rose Staniec
Acid-Catalyzed Heterogeneous Reaction of Limonene with Mineral Aerosols: A New Mechanism for The Organic Coating of Inorganic Aerosols
Omaru Layee Washington
Ghana's Elite Female Entrepreneurs:What Can Policy Makers Learn from Their Success?
Miho E Watabe
The Virtuous Fan: Historical Identity and Modern Minority Representation in Comic Book Culture
Timothy J. Watkins
Behind a Mask: Performativity in the Gothic Thrillers of Louisa May Alcott
Sandra C. Almeida
A Comparative Analysis of Arctic Risk Assessment of Methylmercury in Fish: Implications for the Inuit
Timothy Adrigan Andres
Linking the Past with Technology: Web Based Multimedia Annotation and Linking in the DM Project
Randa R. Barsoom
Drug Discovery Efforts Targeting Mutant p53 for the Treatment of Glioblastoma
Dana J. Baumgartner
Talk isn't Cheap: The Effects of Greenwashing on the Environment
Mariel Anna Caputo
Solitude, Spinsterhood, and Single Blessedness: The Brontës and Redundant Women in Nineteenth-Century Protestant England
Samantha A. Cassidy
Developing a novel co-culture model and testing the effects of placental derived stem cells on inflammation in Alzheimer's disease
Joel Chapman
Dr. George I. Sánchez, Mexican Americans, and the Transformative Impact of the Mask of Whiteness: 1946 1970
Nicholas D. Chiappini
Photooxidation of methoxyphenols on titanium dioxide aerosol surrogates
Katelyn Cusmano
The Effect of Metformin and Insulin on Neuronal Degeneration in a Glucose/Streptozotocin Model of Alzheimer's Disease
Claire J. Du Laney
'Monstrous Tricks with the Metre': The Creeds, Dante and Dorothy L. Sayers' Orthodoxy without Sentiment
Maria Falzone
Nutritional Studies on the Production of the Antibiotic Platensimycin by Streptomyces platensis
Gregory L. Gedman
Neurofunctional assessment in a neonatal rat model of focal cerebral ischemia following caffeine exposure
Khemani Gibson
The Life of the Invisible Black Hercules: West Indian Migration, Labor, and Communal Identity in Panama, 1881-1949
Mariel A. Hooper
Beppe Grillo and the Rise of the Five Stars Movement: An Examination of M5S in the Context of Italian Populism
Alae Zenab Kawam
Demystifying the Atmosphere with a Model Aerosol System: The Photo-enhanced Ozonolysis of Surface Adsorbed Organics
Sara Kerby
The Private Prison Industry's Role in the Immigration Industrial Complex
Hailee S. Kerr
Obligation as a Mediator in the Relationship between Moral Conviction and Activism
Mary G. Lamont
The Construction and Utilization of a Raman Spectrometer for the purpose of testing Surface-Enhancement
Christina R. Leriche
The Scientific Analysis, Reconstruction, and Cross Cultural Comparison of Human Trophy Items From the Americas
Caitlin Mattera
Death & All His Friends, Narration in Markus Zusak's The Book Thief
Eliza L. Mauhs-Pugh
Santiago Matamoros: Reconquista and Identity in Twelfth-Century Iberia
Evelyn E. Meisenbacher
The Aran Islander in the Late Irish Literary Renaissance: An Ecocritical Reading
Kyle J. Messina
Investigation of the Mechanism of Ca2+ Catalyzed RNA Phosphodiester Hydrolysis
Megan E. Modic
Waiting: The Implications of Abolishing the Subminimum Wage in the U.S Restaurant Industry
Inez P. Neto
Aimé Césaire: Une révolte poétique
Francine E. Odri
"You Will Always Be Known as a 'Betwixt and Between'": J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan and its Afterlives
Michelle Leah Opdyke
The Truth Undressed: The Complex Relationship Between Government Legislation, Renaissance Literature, and Women's Writings in Late Tudor England
Runi M. Patel
Screening and evaluation of small molecules targeting mutant p53 for potential cancer therapy
Karina P. Russ
The Importance of Framing: Maintaining Self-Control through Motivation
Rachel Marie Schachter
Religion of the Heart: Zinzendorfs Theology and its Implications for Sexuality in the Moravian Church Today
Robert Scheffler
Protein Factors Affecting the Small RNA Regulation
Corinne Schoch
Género, sexualidad y la renegociación de la masculinidad latina en los Estados Unidos: cuatro ejemplos fílmicos (2002-2012)
Zainab A. Sulaiman
"Alicia Could Have, Recy Should Have and Jezebel Didnt Want To": An Analysis of the Relationship Between the Jezebel Stereotype and Victim Blaming of Sexual Assault Survivors
Alicia N. Whavers
Wright and Ellison: Icons of African American Protest Literature
Rebecca Whetten-Goldstein
The Influence of Power on People's Preferences and Attention
Violeta Naydenova
Portfolio construction with equity linked structured products
Chris Brentlinger
The European Community, Economic Security and the Lomé II Convention
Kenneth E. Rowe
The background and education of Methodist ministers in the United States, 1790-1860, as revealed in their autobiographies