Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
author Stephen Dechert
title The Practicalities of Literary Studies: Depictions of Ordinary Life in Ulysses
abstract This project explores the artistic expression of life into literature. It ponders why the depiction of life matters and why literary studies, as a vehicle of that depiction, also matters. Ultimately, this project concludes that literary studies is a practical discipline that offers knowledge for everyday use. This project explores Ulysses by James Joyce and analyzes its portrayal of life, specifically ordinary life. It argues that Ulysses champions two approaches to life through centralizing characters Stephen Dedalus and Leopold Bloom, the idealistic and pragmatic respectively. The project argues that Ulysses slightly favors one over the other, but that there is still room for both approaches to life and that each has their beneficial effects. The second chapter of this project goes on to argue that the actual content of Ulysses is only half of its portrayal of ordinary life. The project then serves as an analysis of the stylistic techniques that frames the content of ordinary life, while also conveying and embodying the idea of ordinary life. My project culminates with this idea: Ulysses functions as a guide to living life fulfillingly, that reminds us that ordinary life can be more meaningful than usually depicted. Such findings are what make Literary Studies not only worthwhile, but practical, in its everyday application.
school The College of Liberal Arts, Drew University
degree B.A. (2021)
advisor Jens Lloyd
committee Sandra Jamieson
Erik Anderson
full textSDechert.pdf