Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
 The Caspersen School of Graduate Studies

Master of Arts 2024

Kevin Bellotti
Frenemy at the Gates: Measuring the Diplomatic and Economic Impact of Recognition on the Relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union, 1933-1941

Camden Glenn
Persistence and Decline of the Postwar British Aristocracy in the Foreign Office

Andrew Long
Forging a New World Order

Master of Arts 2013

Brian M. Watson
Society, Vice, and Suppression: The Historical Creation of Pornography in England, 1750-1850

Master of Fine Arts 2020

Emmaline Bristow
Lemon Tree Child

Chelsea Fanning
Mineral Hum

Chelsea Jackson
All Things Holy and Heathen

Rosemarie Krausz
Black Milk

Emily Markowski
Faith Findings

Nicolette Reim
Rolando Kattan, The Pineapple Tree, A Translation

James Rogers
Sunflower Amendments

Miriam D. Starc
Never Finishing Returning: Selected Poems of Luciana Frezza and Giulia Niccolai Translated from the Italian
Whose Voice

Stephanie Marie Tobia
Love Rose

Alexander de Voogt
Cavafy's syllabics: from rhyme to hemistiches

Master of Fine Arts 2019

Michael J Crane II
Mom Says I Was Lazy

Paula Ristuccia
What Drowning Looks Like

Master of Fine Arts 2018

Kathryn Louise Kimball
Fireweed / Kathryn Louise Kimball
L'Étoffe de l'univers: The Fabric of the Universe / Andrée Chedid

Irene Ann Mitta
Angel Man

Nicolette Reim
Flapping Goose and Other Poems

Amy Small-McKinney
An Unpracticed Body Comes Apart

Master of Fine Arts 2017

Helen Stevens Chinitz
hold heron

Diana Deering
Bellow's Moth

Amy A Gordon
Where the Eye (I) Lives

Patricia Ann Hemminger
Earth Time

Pamela Kay Hirschler
I Am The Only One Who Remembers

Esther Louise
the world and me

Gail Mitchell
Makers & Keepers

Amy Joyce Seifried
For Light, I Open

Terra Leigh Walker

Master of Fine Arts 2016

Ann W Davenport
this salt my salt
Returning home

Colleen Filler
When to Lighten, When to Weigh

Kathleen Hastings
The Scars That Make Us

Charles Walter Kiley
The Anthropologist's Dream

Anu Nitin Mahadev
"A Mouthful of Sky"

Chelsea Palermo
Hammered Altar of Rituals

Craig Arnold Paulhus
Sea Legs

Alexandra Renna Pollock
Under an Ocean of Air

Harry Louis Roddy, Jr.
A New German Geography: The Poems of Nadja Küchenmeister, Daniela Danz and Farhad Showghi

Gabrielle Lloyd Sindorf
The Seam Must Open

Caelan Tree Treacy
Infinite Animal
Bodies & Other Poems

Master of Fine Arts 2015

Dylan Anthony Cecchini

Deborah Jean Gerrish
Light in Light

Ysabel Ynes Gonzalez
Spectacular Ache

Eric Martin Hucke
A Furious Yellow Light

Fadel Khalaf Jabr
Modern Iraqi Poetry since 1947, Anthology

Josh Rathkamp

Harry Louis Roddy Jr.
The Other Side of Green

Mark Allen Tinsley

Tamara Zbrizher
The Art of Leaving Voice Mails

Master of Fine Arts 2014

Jude Laure Denis
This Too -- Salvation

Bruce A Lowry
Song for Henry Myers

Karen Elizabeth Malzone
The Catbird and the Crone

Sosha N Pinson
The Myth of Held Breath

Cliff Hughes Tyler
On Further Review, I've Enjoyed Most Of It

Alexandra Rose Yates
Daughter Of The Janus Mask

Amanda Rose Zuniga
Sister to the Wolf Moon

Master of Fine Arts 2013

Mary Brancaccio
Mistress of Buttons & Keys

Master of Letters 2023

Thomas F. Campion
Michael Collins and Leadership

Master of Letters 2021

Vincent Unger
The Influence of the "New Negro Movement" Among Jazz Musicians

Master of Letters 2020

Anne A. Nadel-Walbridge
The Beat Poets of Popular Music

Jessica L. Shively
Enter the Ruin: A Journey Through the Culture of Abandoned Places and the Rising Fascination with Modern Ruin

Master of Letters 2019

Nancy Lynn Dreyfus
A Culture of Note: An Ethnographic Analysis of Music Making as a Culture

Master of Letters 2017

Laura Ann Rieder
The Evolution of Posttraumatic Stress and War Through American History

Elizabeth Seiffert
The Creation of Irish-American Culture Through Irish Ethnic Enclaves Within New York and New Jersey

Alexa Tierney
Victorian Lovers: Consensual Sadomasochistic Relationships in the Bronte Novels

Marti B. Winer
The Women Who Welcome, Serving Themselves and Others: The Motivation for Being Hospitable in Modernist Literature

Master of Letters 2015

Elizabeth Anne Aivazis
"Otherness": Defining the African American Male and Female and Analyzing the Relationship Between Public Racism and Strained Private Lives in Toni Morrison's Novels Sula and Home

Master of Letters 2014

Anthony Robert D'Errico
Wilde and Woolf: Modern Sexual Vacillators, Contemporary Queer Anticipators

Jonathan Brooks Sanford
Finding Her Room: The Life and Work of Virginia Woolf

Master of Letters 1988

William Francis Tyler
Tradition and Innovation in the Humanities and Their Relation to the Current Curriculum

Master of Letters 1985

Patrick Francis Quinn
A Critical Study of The Knight's Tale of Geoffrey Chaucer

Doctor of Letters 2024

Dena Arguelles
Trans...Matters: Medieval and Modern Bodies in Conversation

Cynthia A DiTaranto
Who Will Be Queen?

Bethany L. Duane
Alice Ravenel Huger Smith, Unintentional Feminist

Andrew Forrest
Meanwhile the World Goes On: Provincetown's Place in an Age of Trauma

Fredrica Bearg Glucksman
Place as a Participant in Mid-Twentieth Century American Literary Nonfiction

Janene Howard-Rodriguez
NCLB and New Jersey: A Case Study on How New Jersey Implemented NCLB Mandates to Close the Achievement Gap Black and White Students

David Hunscher
Mythic Mentoring: The Structure and Dynamics of Mentoring in the Odyssey

Leah Jerome
The Civilian Conservation Corps from the Meadowlands to Bear Mountain: An Evaluation of Race, Gender, and Labor in the New Deal’s Effort to Employ America and Plant Trees

Rodger Thomas Kraft
You Are Where You Sit Lessons In Compromise

Bonnie J. McCorkindale
Recovering with a Mindful Spirit: Integrating Mindfulness and the Twelve Steps

Donna Thompson Ray
Talkin' to Books: Photographing Black Education During Reconstruction and Its Aftermath

Frank Sedita III
Hope and Healing in the Gutter: The Graphic Narrative as a Source of Agency, Identity, Voice, and Social Justice for the LGBTQIA+ Community in Fascist and Contemporary Italy

Stefanie Rose Shapiro
Finding Home: A Personal Quest for Self, Belonging, and Body Acceptance

Gina Marie Suriano
Reclaiming Medusa from Male Hegemony: Feminist Revisionist Myth of Christine de Pizan and Feminists in the Fourth Wave

Suzanne Venezia Vrancken
Company Town Girl: An Ethnological Examination and Creative Exploration of Coal Town Culture in Southern West Virginia, 1937-1952

Richard A Wasserman
New Jersey in "The War to End All Wars": New Jersey’s Role in World War I and its Memorialization at the Local Level

Kay D. Wright
Bunyan: A Full-Length Play with a Critical Reflection

Kate Zemetis Zimmerbaum
In Extremis: An Aesthetics of Excess in Fiction of the Troubles in Northern Ireland

Doctor of Letters 2023

Anne Ingrid Abrams
Stitching the Wounds: A Literary Response to Trauma

Carolyn Woodland Boulware
Laughin' It Up and Lyin' in the Unpublished Plays and Skits of Zora Neale Hurston (An Analysis of Zora Neale Hurston's Humor)

Angelina Brown
The Price of Admission: Survivor Guilt and Cultural Mismatch in First-Generation College Students

Sharon Y Feigin
To The Warehouse

Yessenia Guglielmi
White Magic: The Intersection and Application of Magical Realism And Transpersonal Psychology

Daniel Thomas Jennings
Irish Impact on the American Revolution and its Role in Irish Acceptance in the United States

Kristina Kenny
Lessons in Literary Activism: Works of Influence in Postmodern Women's Literature (1960-1979)

Wayne B Miller
Eugenics and the Immigration Restriction Movement in the Progressive Era

Rebeca C. Rivera-Robayo
Cuéntame: Tell Me Their Story

Georgeanna Spagnolo
Art that is Not So New: Tracing Aesthetics and Thematic Elements of the Pre-Raphaelites, Arts and Crafts, and Art Nouveau Movements

Doctor of Letters 2022

Jessica A. Brosnan
The Drowning of Hope

Daniel Butler
The Impact of History, Culture and Structures and Responses of State and National Governments on the Civil Rights Movements in Northern Ireland and the United States: A Comparative Study of Divergent Paths to Social Reform

Danyel M. Cicarelli
Map Pins: A Memoir of Maywood, NJ

Shirley Frances Hollie-Davis
The Sweetest Mango

Christine Morrison Johnson
A Micro-Level Study of New Jersey's Amistad Legislation

Therese M Mullaney
Thirteen Thursdays

Frank Anthony Nardi
Stakeholders' Perceptions of the Resettlement Community in Morris and Union Counties: A Study of the Reflexive Impact of Engagement

Daniel Anthony Papa
Action Inspired Learning: Empowering Students to Make History

Emily A. Phifer
Grief and Loss: The Healing Potential of Literary and Artistic Expressions

Richard G Rosell
Just or Unjust: The Global War on Terror

Passi Malka Rosen-Bayewitz
The Story of Jewish Staszów: Its History, Memory, and Representation 1525-2021

Lisa A Sisler
The Purgatory Project

Aylin Denise Solu Brandon
The Responsible Party

Sharon Kimberly Williams
Breath | Voice | Fire: A Collection of Creative Non-Fiction Essays

Doctor of Letters 2021

Mohammed Obaid Alotaibi
Globalization in Saudi Arabian and North American Novels

Marie Caniglia-Robiolio
Arts Education: An Essential Experience

Theodore Hart
Shakespeare's Ecopolitics of the Garden

Scott L. Kent
Letters from the Western Front: The Correspondence of American Doughboys and American Censorship during the Great War 1917-1918

Renata Renee Kessler
The Flowers and Bones of Georgia O'Keeffe: A Research-Based Dissertation Culminating in a Full-Length Play: Days with Juan

Christina I. McGrath
Saint Patrick: Issues of Translation and His Enduring Pastoral Message

Doctor of Letters 2020

Elizabeth Anne Agostin
The Vanishing Gardener

Mohammad Abdulhadi Althobaiti
Searching the Identity in the Minds of Some Israeli and Palestinian Authors

Tiernan Sykes Close
Pursuing Peace: Examining Alternative Dispute Resolution Practices Throughout The World's Religious Traditions

Michael J. Conklin
Hear Me Talkin' To Ya: Jazz as Social Commentary in Harlem of the 1920s

Bruce Dalziel
Roadside America

Michael S. Fletcher
Hunting the Holy Man

Christina Klotz Kales
The Myths of Identity: Correcting the Legacy of Berthe Morisot

Laura Moody
Appreciating Dahl: A Re-Evaluation of Roald Dahl's Adult Fiction and its Place in the Gothic Literary Canon

Charity Nicole Robertson
Guns and Grit: The Women of the Oklahoma Highway Patrol

Morissa Schwartz
What is Life? An Examination of Nihilists Within Libertarian Western Modern Literature and Film

Sloan Sweeney Scully
Visual Thinking Skills and Elementary Students' Writing

Doctor of Letters 2019

Johanna Gauer Edge
From the Steamboat to Harlem to Main Street and to Bodymore: Satire and Subversion in Novels of Passing

Clifford W. Evan
The Last Weinrip

Jennifer Susan Gromada
"I Have Something Vital to Do Here": The Modernist Mode in the Writings of Mary Borden

John Joseph Hagadorn, Jr.
The Role of the Holocaust Docent-Educator: A Guide for Those Wishing to Serve and Teach in a Holocaust Museum

Sheree Loalbo
The Prize of Prizes: The History and Development of the Caldecott Prize

Elizabeth Mary McKenna
Shadow Fathers and Surrogate Sons: Patrilineal Relationships in Virgil's Aeneid and James Joyce's Ulysses

Ruth E. Schmidt
Telling Stories - Empowering Generations: Minority American Women and Their Cultural Stories

Peter Michael Talarico
"I Still Think There's Hope:" Racial Tension Depicted Through Form, Text, and Structure in Spike Lee's 'Do the Right Thing,' 'Jungle Fever,' and 'Clockers'

Christopher H. Tamburro
Faith at the Crossroads: The Impact of Religious Plurality, Church Leaders, and Community Structures on the American Revolution in New Jersey

Kyra Eden Whitehead
Ambassadors for Peace: A Literature and the Arts-Based ESL Classroom Model

Doctor of Letters 2018

Andrew Joseph Clapham
Purification Rituals in the Beowulf Manuscript

Dawn Francine DeMartino
Cosmos and Polis: The Good City in the Orestia and the Divine Comedy

Willow DiPasquale
Myth-Making and Sacred Nature: J.R.R. Tolkien's and Frank Herbert's Mythopoeic Fiction

Samara Lisa Grossman
Children and Art: Stephen Sondheim's Influence On the Current Prolific Generation of Broadway Composer/Lyricists

Christopher John Lipnick
Victims of the Past: Walter Groβ, the RPA and the Nazi Propaganda War Against the Disabled

Evelyn Mamman
The Bard of Our Time: Teaching Shakespeare in an Urban Secondary Classroom

Elizabeth Jane Myers
Trauma in Young Adult Dystopia: Purpose and Potential

Rebeccah Christie Newman
From Soldier to Civilian: Redefining Identity and Purpose after Serving in the Military

Robert David Putnam
"Blest Be the Tie that Binds" Catastrophically Confused Calvinism (Will America Detest to its Own Demise?)

Margaret Terry
Channeling Cathleen: Crossing the Threshold from Mother Ireland to Spinster Sean Bhean Bhocht

Bryan Michael Toth
Phantom Gettysburg: The Gettysburg Ghost Stories, Dark Tourism, and a Memory of the Civil War

Doctor of Letters 2017

Heather Lynn Althoff
Caregiving with Cather: Aging, Illness, Diminishment, and Dying in Modern America

Carol Lynn Biederstadt
Paradoxical Orientalism: Gender and Power in George Orwell's Burmese Days

Sean Patrick Dineen
An Analysis of Four Counterinsurgencies with Attention to the Inclusion of People with Disabilities and the Arts

Joseph G. Farias
Dare to Pray, Dare to Be Church: The Impact of Liturgy on Ecclesiology Since Vatican II

Salena Fehnel
Lovely but Deadly: Women as Killers in 20th Century Fiction and Film

Jared Fowler
An All-Right Town

John Stephen Hier
Battle and Balance between the Masculine and the Feminine: A Psychoanalytic Approach to the Young Adult Fiction of America's Nineteenth Century

Lacey P. Hunter
Made in His Image: The Origins of African American Women's Jeremiad

Jane Jameson
Tracing the Archetypes of the Legend of Saint George through the Epochs

Pamela Klurfield
Cracking Open the Sky: How the Modernism of New York City Skyscrapers Paved the Way for a New American Modern Art

David Laurence McMillan
The Impact of Containerization on the New York City Region

Peter Joseph Moccia
"Nobody Owing Nobody Nothing": Reading Flannery O'Connor Anew Through the Ethics of Emmanuel Levinas

Rafael Rosa
Abraham Lincoln and Women: A Psychohistorical Analysis

Alice Marguerite Terrell
Themes of Blackness: Commonality and Unity in Selected African Heritage Literature

Lisa J Todd
The Impact of Regional Archival Development on Guyana's National Archives and its State Institutions

William Joseph Tooma
The Black Eagle of Harlem

Joseph F. Trad
The Immigrant Writer

Michael K. Walters
On Quests for Independence: Evolutions of Haiti, Ireland, and Colonialism

Lindsay M. Warren
The Kazet Theatre: A Bridge from Death to Life

Jenelle Woodrup
Adolescent Literature and the Human Condition: The Protagonist's Journey of Growth and Self-Discovery

Doctor of Letters 2016

Wendy Barnes
Wetlands Rise: Poems and a Critical Introduction

Tara Brugnoni
Ink Evolution: From Freakish to Fine Art

Brigid Burke
Devaluing the Earth: Salvation, Immortality and the Status of Women in Religion: a Depth Psychology Approach

Judith E. Campbell
A Fenian Marriage: The Life of Mary Jane O'Donovan Rossa with Her Husband Jeremiah

Michael Dee
Roots of Charles Darwin's Creativity

Jay M. Eisenberg
John Stuart Mill's Philosophy of History

Gabriel Ertsgaard
Saint Brendan's Green Voyage: Sustainable Insights from a Medieval Irish Legend

Jaclyn Renee Harte
In Search of Lost Women

Patrice Marie Kelly
Harvesting Sketches from a Community of Gardeners

Maximillian Joseph Orsini
The Buddhist Beat Poetics of Diane di Prima and Lenore Kandel

Renee Ann Pistone
Humanities in Film: A Reflection on Cinematic Characters' Grief Responses

Christopher Jacob Reiss
The History of Academia: From the Cradle of Civilization to Plato’s Academy, the University, Departmentalization, Interdisciplinary Programs, International Affiliates and Strategic Business Solutions

Susan Kaye Rothbard
How Not to Pack a Suitcase

Helena Ann Swanicke
How Women are Portrayed in Romantic Comedies Pillow Talk (1959) and When Harry Met Sally (1989)

Doctor of Letters 2015

Tracey Lynne Carroll
The Wisdom of Tragedy: Contemporary American Psychology and the Ancient Greek Tragedians

Deshawn Michael Cook
Advocacy and Remembrance: The Impact of the Artist Community During the Onset of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic 1981-1996

Alan Bernard Delozier
State of Faith: Irish-Catholic Church Hierarchy of New Jersey and Reactions to Civil Government Initiatives, 1946-1962

Kimberly Flynn
The Anchorhold: Sovereignty in Solitary

Adrienne Wardy Griffin
The Anniversary

John David Healy
Joseph Holt: Savior of the Union

Earle Raymond Hitchner III
What We Dare Confide: A Canonical Case for the Poetry, Literary Criticism, and Public Arts Advocacy of Dana Gioia

Susan Mary Kenney
Other by Design: Constructions of Otherness and Recognition of the Self as Other in Latino Diasporic Fiction in the United States

Sarita Melkon Maldjian
Mind over Music: An Analytical Approach to Teaching the Beginner/Intermediate Piano Student

Gregory Matlosz
The Political Symbiosis of Rutherford B. Hayes & William McKinley

Jeannine Connelly Morse
Silence No More: Domestic Violence

Gene Richard Nasser
Time, Transcendence and Reality in the First Volume of Schopenhauer's The World as Wille and Representation

Joseph E. Petta

Melissa Noel Sorge
Ordinary Women a Century Apart: Virginia Woolf's Average Woman Writer and her Twenty-First Century Counterparts

Susan Eileen Speidel
Gods of the Theater, Smile On Us: Elements of the Greek Chorus in the Musicals of Stephen Sondheim, as Influenced by Rodgers and Hammerstein's Allegro

Anthony Alfred Valentino
Finding Happiness in the Poor, Humble Cottage "Contented Poverty" in Irish Novels From Famine to Free State

Andrea Vecchione
Teaching Reading "Outside the Box": The Graphic Novel in the Secondary High School

Doctor of Letters 2014

Hee Sook Ahn
The Soup of Salvation: John Wesley's Recipe for Conversion

Edwin Arenas
Pope John Paul II's Papal Encyclical On Human Labor Labor, Solidarity's Blueprint

Carol M. Barnett
Paradigm Shift in Public Education: Ridge and Valley Charter School 2000 - 2014

William Lyman Bradley
The Lives Of Saint Patrick: An Original Screenplay

Mark Richard DeBiasse
The Founding Fathers and Politics in the Early Republic: Mythmaking in the Educational Community

Christopher John Feeley
Fifteen Years On: An Eeamination of the Irish Famine Curricula in New York and New Jersey

Luke Frangione
Back to Ithaca

Daniel Cube Gunn
Hugh Hefner's God: Religion in Playboy Magazine

Tracy Renee Handerhan
Spiritual Tyranny?: An Examination of Post-Famine Clerical Influence in the Lough Mask Region

Patrick Ketch
"Such Persuasive Influence": The Irish Influence on Boxing and Baseball in America

Kurt R. Kilanowski
Isabella Stewart Gardner and 'The Spirit of Place': A Spiritual Journey Through the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

Francis Xavier Klose
"No Rigid Uniformity?" Music in the American Roman Catholic Liturgy Since the Second Vatican Council

Sarah Doris Lawler
Visions and Revisions: Isolation, Marginalization and Infanticide in Euripides' Medea and Toni Morrison's Beloved

Sophia Melanie Manning
Milk and Honey, A Metaphor for Power and Money

Julie Ann McWilliams
The Other Side of the Canvas - George Mueller: his life and work through the aesthetic lens of John Dewey

Ann McKinstry Micou
Here in New Jersey: Place in the Fiction of Philip Roth, Richard Ford, and Junot Diaz

Robert James Murray
A Man Called Gall

Anthony Michael Orlando
The Great Divorce: Love and Marriage in Great War Literature

Lawrence Evan Schneider
Fighting Jews: The Myth of Jewish Passivity in the Early Twentieth Century

Doctor of Letters 2013

Colleen L. Harvan
Voices from the Void: Lewis Carroll, Samuel Beckett, and Language

Cleolene Eugenie Jones
The Anglophone Caribbean: Whither Unity

Barbara Judith Kayser
Politics or Piety, The Women of Pakistan

Steven R. Racine
The Henderson Family of Stained Glass Craftsmen

Doctor of Letters 2011

Earl Groner
Toward a Study of the Conductor's Art: The Description of Charles Munch Through Naturalistic Inquiry

Master of Medical Humanities 2021

Jay Sardini
In Defense of an Alternative Approach to Ethical Allocation Decision Making During a Period of Public Health Emergency: An Egalitarian Multi-Principle Allocation Decision Making Framework

Master of Medical Humanities 2020

Genevieve Chaleff
Patient's Perception of Care in the Hospital Setting: Examining Provider Interaction and Communication

Alyssa Saputo
Paging Dr. Robot

Master of Medical Humanities 2019

Cailyn Breski
The Effects of Post-Concussion Symptoms on a Patient's Overall Quality of Life

Bettina Giordano
Death Literacy: Educating the Family Caregiver

Theresa Marie Shafron
Addressing Infant NICU Pain: An Exploratory Innovative Approach to The Assessment of Interactions among Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Personnel to Improve Infant Pain and Assessment Protocols

Master of Medical Humanities 2018

Kadeem Zandre Gayle
Perceptions of Adults with Sickle Cell Disease Regarding Treatments Amid Vaso-Occlusive Crisis

Eden Barrett Hanish
Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Pharmaceuticals: A Modern Ethical Review and Analysis of Practice and Consequence in America

Isabel Mendelsohn
Neuroethics Elucidates the Role of Emotions Thereby Enlightening Our Understanding of Mental Illness

Michael A Pelosi
Structural Factors of Healthcare and Health Disparities in Racial and Ethnic Minorities in the United States

Kameron Camille Raynor
How Toxic Air Pollution is Affecting the Poorest Residents of Newark and Trenton, New Jersey

Master of Medical Humanities 2017

Julie Ruth Strain
Dorothy Parker and the Women She Loved to Hate: An Examination of Female Drinkers in the Works of Dorothy Parker

Master of Medical Humanities 2016

Nicole Lopez Marin
Hospital-Physician Aligment: The Past, Present and Future

Vaishali Purushottam Patil
A Socio-Cultural Perspective of Prescription Drug Abuse

John Trimiglozzi
Depression and Anxiety in the Cardiac Patient: The Need for a Comprehensive Cardiac Psychology Approach

Master of Medical Humanities 2015

Drew B. Chen
An Assesment of the Benefits of Medical Tourism

Jessica Ann Ferrara
The Belmont Report and Informed Consent: The Impact on Unspecified Future Research

Yvette Louse Vieira
Factors Affecting Maternal Coping and Adaptation Following the Prenatal Diagnosis of a Rare Birth Defect, Fibular Hemimelia, For Women who Choose Not to Terminate

Master of Medical Humanities 2014

Sarit Ashkenazi
Self Care is Healthcare

Christine Ann Bauer
Prescription Narcotics: The Misuse, Overuse, and Abuse

Elizabeth J. Bertolini
Morphine: Misconception and Moral Distress for Nurses Providing Care to the Dying

Lisa Casper Blumert
The Erosion of the Primary Care Doctor-Patient Relationship During Hospitalization

Komal Chandra
Holistic Benefits of Integrative Medicine for Cardiovascular Disease

Amy C. Eisenberg
A Tear in the Universe - A Play in Four Acts

John Clarke Hall
Kierkegaard's Existential Philosophy in the Physician-Patient Relationship

Tara Anne Jenner
Birthing Understanding: An Examination of the Female Experience of Infertility

Taryn A. Miranda
Opting Out: An Argument for Physician-Assisted Suicide

Doctor of Medical Humanities 2024

Lori Birchler
Silenced Voices: Performative Writing Inquiry of Elderly Women Within Congregated Care

Jutta S Braun
Thriving in Nursing School: Does Creative Thinking Moderate Stress? Study of Associate Degree Nursing Students in a Northern New Jersey Community College

Cailyn Breski
The Effects of Ultrasound on Quality of Life: An Exploration of Ultrasound as a Diagnostic and Treatment Modality for Neurodegenerative Diseases

James Ronald Chambers
Secondary Traumatization in the Helping Profession: A Crisis in a Pandemic Through a Phenomenological Lens

Kadeem Zandre Gayle
Pain Crisis: Narrative Inquiry on the Lives and Experience of Adults Living with Sickle Cell Disease Pain and Pain Management

Briana Jill Tierno
Enhancing Understanding Through Self-Awareness: A Medical Humanities Approach to Increasing Practitioner Self-Awareness and Strengthening Patient Connection

Doctor of Medical Humanities 2023

Janet Ann Gwiazda
Primary Care: The Personal Perspective of Adults with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities

Mary Walsh Roche
Context, Coping, and Connection: Older Adults and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Doctor of Medical Humanities 2022

Roxana Delbene
Reportability and Credibility in Narratives of Contested Illnesses: A Textual Analysis

Krystyna Heian Gurstelle
Uneven Paths to Health and Healing: Medicine, Politics and Power in 19th Century America

Nakaweesi Katongole
The Lions and Tigers in my Backyard

Maria Domenica Lupo
Work-Life Balance Through the Arts and Creativity: An Intimate Portrait of Health Professionals

Doctor of Medical Humanities 2021

Suzanne J Milkiewicz-Bryjak
Breath One, Breath Two, Breath Three: Utilizing Narrative Consultation for Healthcare Culture Transformation

France L. Reed
Beyond God's Work: A Thematic Analysis of Nurse Image During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Stephanie Marie Tobia
The Quartet of Community Healing

Doctor of Medical Humanities 2020

Anthony De Canto
The Effects Of Personal Narrative On One's Well Being Through the Lens of Medical Humanities

Keri Flanagan
Utilizing Science Fiction to Visualize Ethical Issues Surrounding Human Genome Editing, Influence Ethical Reasoning Skills in Education, and Guide Policy Implementation

Justin Ryan Francis
The Origins of Music Therapy in Military and Veteran Affairs

Dominic A. Genovese
Military Medical Ethics

Kimberly Mace Plumly
Pharmacists as Immunizers: Increasing Non-Influenza Adult Immunization Rates

Doctor of Medical Humanities 2019

Lise Anne Cooper
Bedside Counseling for Medical Inpatients Who Misuse Alcohol

Brenda Hall
Social Demographics and Advance Directives: Problematizing a Paradigm

Doctor of Medical Humanities 2018

Victor Algarin
Addressing Racial/ Ethnic Disparities with Liberation Psychology, and Critical Consciousness: The Role of Social Medicine in Medical Education

Lynn Edward Snyder
Learning a Foundation for Communication in Medical Situations: An Attitudinal and Relational Approach

Doctor of Medical Humanities 2017

Catherine Burns Konefal
Strengthening Ethical Boundaries by Understanding How Implicit Bias Affects Ethical Decision-Making: A Review of the Guatemala Study

Lisa M. De Dominicis
Patient-Physician Relationships: an examination of physician perspectives in stories for colleagues

Rebecca Louise Dufner-Mantore
Nursing Presence in the Preoperative Area

Amy Eisenberg
Meaning, Message, and Medicine: Integration of Communication Studies in the Medical Humanities Curriculum

Mary Elizabeth Grassi
Ad Rem Healers: A Study of Micropractitioners and Their Manner of Practice

Tara Jenner-Donaldson
Demanding Identities: How Medicalization Affects Infertile Women's Lives and Sense of Identity in Ireland and the United States

Jennifer Longo
Statistics Show One in Every Person Dies, Let's Talk About It

Frank Charles Merckx, II
Sexual Misconduct Education: Challenges of Educating International Students with Domestic Educational Assumptions

Doctor of Medical Humanities 2016

Steve Brozak
A Review and Analysis of the Fall and Hopeful Rise of American Healthcare

Christine Chiosi
Examining the Fiction of J. M. Coetzee as a Means to Prepare Medical Students and Medical Trainees for Narrative Practice

Ivonne Fadel
"ADHD Symptoms Clinic"SM An Integrative Approach to the Treatment of ADHD Symptoms in Children and Adolescents

Kirk Abednego Johnson
Race-Based Medicine: A Case for Competency and Solidarity in Minority Communities

Michael J. McDonough
The Impact of Accountable Care Organizations

Patricia Jean Primavera
The Role of Continuing Medical Education in Health Care Quality Improvement

Doctor of Medical Humanities 2015

Francesco Aristide Ancona
"Balm of Hurt Minds...Chief Nourisher of Life's Feast": The Tripartite Healing Nature of Dreams

Patricia Baxter
Patient Satisfaction with Communication From Hospitalists in an Acute Care Setting

Elizabeth A. Fehsenfeld
The Role of the Medical Humanities and Technologies in the 21st Century Undergraduate Medical Education Curriculum

Kevin Christopher Flynn
Medicine in Film: A Reflection on Society's Response to Healthcare

Kathleen Ann Kavanagh
Long-Term Care (LTC) Residents' Perceptions of Care After Humanistic Patient Narrative Theory In-Service Training to LTC Healthcare Professionals

Frances Figueroa Mal
A Comparison of Methodologies Used to Teach End-of-Life Care to Baccalaureate Nursing Students: Which Provides The Best Outcome?

Marcia E. Pindling
Pathogenesis of Domestic Violence Predator and Prey

Elizabeth Stallings
Literacy and Culture as Determinants of Health: Designing Education for Improved Outcomes

Stefania Moglia Willis
The Influence of Humanities Supported Dental Service Learning on Students' Perceptions of Social Responsibility and Professionalism Regarding Oral Healthcare Delivery

Doctor of Medical Humanities 2014

Sarah Schuneman Arnold
Family Presence During Resuscitation: Changing the American Paradigm

Terry Clark-German
A Study on Internal/External Homophobia and the Impact on Longterm Health Outcomes: The Effect on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Elders in Health Care and Their Decision to Disclose Their Sexual Orientation to Healthcare Providers

Lauren Alexis Jutchenko
Addressing Spirituality in Healthcare Needs: The Mental Health Clinician's Role in Enhancing the Quality of the Medical Health Experience by Treating the Spirit

Robert John Malloy
Denying Death: The Manner of Death & Dying in America 1946-2014

Jill A.H. Reichman
Narrative Competence, Mindfulness,and Relationship-Centered Care in Medical Education: An Innovative Approach to Teaching Medical Interviewing

Gloria L. Riller
Empowering patients through health literacy in the informed consent process

Doctor of Philosophy 2024

Mary Cannaday
Almack's: Membership, Gender, and Societal Power in Nineteenth-Century Britain

Sarah Marie Churchill
Slums in the Sky: How Photography Killed the Desire for Mid-Century, Mass Social Housing in Britain

David Sockol
A Unity of Opposites: The Ironic Emergence of an Activist Aesthetic from the "Vulgar" Marxism of Georgi Plekhanov

Doctor of Philosophy 2023

Kasaun E. Henry
The Nigrescence of Barack Obama's Intellectual History: From Multicultural Dreams to Black Intellectual Thought, 1961–2008

Joshua Ryan Roeder
Ink and Interaction: Analyzing the Audience History in the Printed Letters of 1980s Comics

Doctor of Philosophy 2022

Nicole M. Rizzuto
Pulp and Circumstance: The Causes and Effects of Dead Lesbian Syndrome, 1895-1949

Angela M. West
The Keepers and Caretakers of Hate: American White Women in Organized Racist and Antisemitic Movements, 1930-2020

Doctor of Philosophy 2021

Yvonne C Garrett
(Re)Constructing Identity: Structures of Female Empowerment in 1980s American Punk Subculture

Patrick J. Mahoney
The Fenian Empire: Irish Nationalism and American Expansion (1865–1871)

Doctor of Philosophy 2020

Christopher M Broschart
Thus the Cry for Canada: How the Desire for Canada Shaped the Early American Empire, 1774-1815

Doctor of Philosophy 2019

Heather L Bennett
Hashtag History: Historical Thinking & Social Media in an Undergraduate Classroom in Singapore

Jessica K. Brandt
Underground and Over the Air: Radio Liberty, Russian Dissidence, and the Cultivation of a Listening Public

Peter Henry Mabli
"I Choose to Sit at the Great National Table": American Cuisine and Identity in the Early Republic

Jordan M. Reed
Imagining The American Pageant: Thomas A. Bailey and the Creation of the Mid-Twentieth Century History Textbook

Brian Shetler
Presenting Chaucer to the Reader: Printing the Canterbury Tales in England, 1477-1830

Daphne Dyer Wolf
Two Windows: The Tenants of the De Freyne Rent Strike 1901-1903

Doctor of Philosophy 2018

George Beck
Law Enforcement in Early-Twentieth-Century American Film: 1900 to 1952

Pehr Englén
The Network as Artwork: Asger Jorn and the Situationist International

Timothy G Esh
Mark Twain's Lover's Quarrel with God; or, Satirizing All God's Children: Mark Twain's Uses of Religious Satire

David Gregory Reagles
Letters to Malcolm: Textual Communities and Religious Culture, c. 1966-1982

Anne M. Ricculli
Reading Coral in the Age of Darwin

Andrew Tompkins
Chasing Vichy's Phantasmagoria: American Intelligence Investigations into the Synarchy Affair (1941-1946)

Doctor of Philosophy 2017

Patricia Chappine
Continuity in New Jersey Women's Activism from Suffrage through World War II

Peter W. Lee
From Depression Kids to Cold Warriors: Constructing American Boyhood through Hollywood Films in the Postwar Years, 1946-1951

Hettie Vonciel Williams
The Garden of Opportunity: Black Women Intellectuals and the Civil Rights Movement in New Jersey, 1912-1949

Doctor of Philosophy 2016

Paul Charbel
A Passage to Lebanon: The Encapsulation of Lebanese Cultural Identity in Utica, New York

Michael King
An Anticolonial Consciousness: Surrealism, Marxism, and Colonialism in Interwar France

Woo Min Lee
Language of Power in the Simile, "Like a Caged Bird": Critical Discourse Analysis of the Assyrian Royal Lion Hunt and Sennacherib's Military Campaign Against Hezekiah of Judah

Emily A. Marlowe
Natural and Technological Wonders: Embracing Modernity at Carlsbad Caverns National Park

Terra Trichelle Schwerin Rowe
Toward a 'Better Worldliness': Ecology, Economy, and the Protestant Tradition

Doctor of Philosophy 2015

Niamh McFadden Hamill
She was a poetess: the world of Mary Ann Allingham 1820-1836

Roger H. Lieberman
The Evolution of Julian Huxley: The Modern Evolutionary Synthesis and the Quest for Scientific Humanism

Frank Viola
The Neutron Bomb in America, 1975-1981

Nicole Anderson Yanoso
The Irish and the American Presidency: The Impact of Irish and Irish-American Issues on U.S. Presidential Politics

Doctor of Philosophy 2014

Erin Colleen Callahan
I Am America Signing: Bob Dylan's Identity Unified through Linguistic Performance

Miriam Christine Benner Dixon
The Pain Economy: Mark Twain's Investment in Pain

Madera Marie Edwards
Somewhere in the Middle: Rebellion, Suburbia, and the Story of Plainfield, New Jersey

Marc Christian Evans
Hard-Boiled Irony: The Inversion of Medieval Romance in 20th Century American Detective Fiction

Sarah Elizabeth Dixon Minegar
Literary Utopias as Explorations in Human Ecology: Five Modern Works, 1880-2005

Doctor of Philosophy 2013

Daniel Moran
"The Total Mosaic": The Reception and Reputation of Flannery O'Connor

Doctor of Philosophy 2005

Christine H. Isham Walsh
Engaging Difference: Replacing the Search for Essentials in Feminist Theological Ethics with a Conversation on Difference

Doctor of Philosophy 1985

Larry Edward Dixon
The Pneumatology of John Nelson Darby (1800-1882)