Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
authorAmy Eisenberg
titleMeaning, Message, and Medicine: Integration of Communication Studies in the Medical Humanities Curriculum
abstractMedical Humanities may be defined as "an interdisciplinary field that explores contexts, experiences, and critical and conceptual issues in medicine and health care, while supporting professional identity formation" (Cole, Carlin, Carson, 2015). There are only a handful of universities in the United States which offer degreed programs in Medical Humanities. Drew University, in New Jersey, has one of the most comprehensive programs in the country and thus, is very well-positioned to be at the forefront of a movement to elevate the field to even higher ground. Studying communication helps us to acknowledge that we do not always view the same picture through the same lens. More often than not, it seems, we each see the same thing very differently. Communication provides us with the vocabulary to seek a common ground, a shared meaning, that enables us to move forward together; or conversely, to recognize that we may choose not to move forward together. Communication Studies support the theoretical lessons of Medical Humanities. Incorporating theories and processes from Communication Studies into the discipline of Medical Humanities can support the field and expand the discipline's relevance through expanded application. The expectation, as presented in this dissertation, is that by using the tools of communication, we can better employ the lessons and tenets that Medical Humanities provides.
schoolThe Caspersen School of Graduate Studies, Drew University
degreeD.M.H. (2017)
advisor Philip Scibilia
committee Timothy Stephen
William Rogers
full textAEisenberg.pdf