Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
 The College of Liberal Arts : Bachelor of Arts : 2017

Cara Nicole Anan
Pushing Back at the Patriarchy: Exploring Nineteenth Century Marriage Resistance Literature

Jena Angeliadis
The Challenges of Executing Cross-Border M&A Transactions: A Focus on the Relationship between the U.S. & France

Ilianna Eden Anise
White-tailed deer and small mammal population dynamics over time

Kathleen Michael Annarelli
The Development of the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 and Its Implications for Income Distribution in the United States

Emma Teresa Barakat
Assessment in the 230 Broadway Project and Beyond: What Can Theatre Arts in Education Give Our Students Besides Theatre?

Robert Francis Candia
Assessing the Therapeutic Potential of the Linoleic Acid Derivative DCP-LA in a Pharmacological Rat Model of Alzheimer's Disease

Marley Annika Crank
Dominance, Language and Land in the Peruvian Amazon: a critical study of the discourse surrounding indigenous land rights in Peru

Marianna D'Aries
The Stephen Archive: Readings of Lesbian and Transgender Embodiment in The Well of Loneliness

Robert A. DeMarco Jr
"Stop, children, what's that sound?": American Counter-culture, Rock 'N' Roll, and the Vietnam Experience

Brianna C Donofrio
Modeling Music Therapy in an Alzheimers Disease Cell Culture System through the use of BDNF and LM11A-31

Jed-Joan S Edziah
Secondary Aerosol Formation from Heterogeneous Reactions Involving α-(+)-Pinene and Kaolinite

Cece Elouise Ewing
When Women Write Loudly: Late 20th Century Feminist Fiction as Commentary and Consciousness-Raising Tools

Alexandra Elizabeth Garino
eEF3: The Next Great Antifungal Drug Target

Robert Marcellus Gordon Jr.
Casting the Crisis: Representations of Gay Men's Identities and Their Gendering in New York's AIDS Literature

Joseph J Gotto
Sniffing out the effects of nicotine on olfactory cortical neuron activity and odor preference

Karina Patricia Guaman
Evaluating the Effects of Methylene Blue on the Growth of Axons and the Health of Primary Neuronal Cell Cultures; Implications in Alzheimer Disease Research

Zoe Chapman Hughes
Methods for Characterizing a Confocal Microscope with Optical Phantoms

Hannah B Kohn
Streetwalkers, Women Hunters, and the Shrieking Sisterhood: The Contagious Diseases Acts and Constructions of Women in Nineteenth-Century Britain

Emily Rebecca Kubin
The Cross-Pressure Model of Ideology and Charitable Giving: Exploring the Role of Religiosity and Attributions for Poverty

Samantha Reed Lacey
Stereotype Threat, Financial Decision Making and Fraud in the Aging Population

Katherine Elizabeth Marak
Some Reactions of Triosmium Decacarbonyl Bisethoxide, Os3(CO)102-OEt)2, with Amides

Allison Haley McMahon
Deep in the Forest of Space: Phenomenological Philosophies, Transforming Worldviews, and Analysis in Painting

Danielle Daly Millick
Investigation of Stereochemical Structural Changes to Inhibit the Human In Vitro Metabolic Rate of Chemical Mutant p53 Reactivators as a Potential Oncology Therapy

Bayleigh Lucille Murphy
Learning From de Kooning and Polke: Shaping my Local

Richa Patel
Twitter Sentiment Implications on the Russell 1000 Universe

Lindsay Jeanne Pearce
Allosteric Modulation of mGlu4 Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors is Protective Against NMDA Induced Toxicity in Primary Neuronal Cell Culture

Silvia V Ramirez
"Dura Mater" as the "Tough Mother": Gendered Language in Neuroscience Textbooks

Taylor Kathryn Redmond
The role of state-dependent oscillators within the olfactory tubercle during olfactory discrimination

Sabine Paszkiewicz Reedy
Scroll, Snap, Like, Tweet, Repeat: An Exploration of Social Media and the Self

Micaela Rose Reininga
The Effect of Context Cues on Emotion Recognition

Victoria Lee Ruhle
"This is London": The Politics of (Im)mobility in Spatial Theory and British Migrant Literature

Alexander Harris Slotkin
The Republic: A City in Translation OR No Translation Is Innocent

Michelle Lauren Taliento
The 230 Broadway Project: Employing Playwriting and Community-Based Performance in Our Classrooms

Rachel Florence Tavani
French Women on the Right: Analyzing the Closing Gender Gap in Radical Right Electorates

Jonathan Randal Teters
The Influence of Scientific and Religious Belief on Coping with Moral Uncertainty

Taylor Tracy
Ladies in Log Cabins: Female-Authored Responses to "Reckless" Individualism

Courtney Leanne Trzasko
"My Mentor Showed Me Just How Far I Could Go": How Mentoring Affects Career Advancement of Women in Finance

Bethania Jessele Viana
My Body, My Choice: Latina Sterilization in the U.S. & Questions of Choice

Gretchen Winterling Walsh
Atomic Legacies: The Historical Significance of the Atomic Bomb in American and Japanese Cultures

Keiran Edgar Wilson
Quantifying "The Fighting Spirit": Using Feminist Theory to Inform Analyses of Empowerment Self-Defense Training as Sexual Assault Prevention Education

Saif Yasin
Kinetic and Computational Analysis of phosphorothioate and phosphorodithioate substitutions in metal ion catalyzed cleavage of RNA models

Alexa Nicole Zbieranowski
Resisting Otherness: Representations of Female Subjectivity in the Italian Renaissance

Areti Zikopoulos
The Role of Type of Caregiving and Attachment Style on the Evaluation of Others' Relationships