Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
 The Caspersen School of Graduate Studies : Doctor of Philosophy : 2019

Heather L Bennett
Hashtag History: Historical Thinking & Social Media in an Undergraduate Classroom in Singapore

Jessica K. Brandt
Underground and Over the Air: Radio Liberty, Russian Dissidence, and the Cultivation of a Listening Public

Peter Henry Mabli
"I Choose to Sit at the Great National Table": American Cuisine and Identity in the Early Republic

Jordan M. Reed
Imagining The American Pageant: Thomas A. Bailey and the Creation of the Mid-Twentieth Century History Textbook

Brian Shetler
Presenting Chaucer to the Reader: Printing the Canterbury Tales in England, 1477-1830

Daphne Dyer Wolf
Two Windows: The Tenants of the De Freyne Rent Strike 1901-1903