Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
 The College of Liberal Arts : Bachelor of Arts : 2015

Adefolakemi O Adenugba
La quête identitaire dans l'oeuvre romanesque d'Henri Lopes depuis 1990

Samuel Jacob Barry
The Social Development of the Music Profession in Ancient Greece

Priyanka Bhattarai
United States Equity Mutual Funds and International Diversification

Andrew R Bodo II
Représentations de la masculinité dans l'œuvre de Xavier Dolan

Kia S Bourdot
Characterizing eEF3 Through The study of its Functional Conservation between Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Noran A Elzarka
Militarization and Incarceration in the "War on Drugs" and "War on Terror": Connecting the Prison-Industrial Complex and the Military-Industrial Complex

Adam D Fanslau
Knowd: A Tool for Organizing and Recommending Online Learning Resources

Sabrina Fruci
What is the Optimal Pricing Model in Securitizing the Revenue Streams of Famous Individuals?

Bridget Reardon Hovell
Performance Art and Sexual Assault

Dylan B. Jones
A New Look at Shared Governance: Prisoner's Dilemma or Ultimatum Game?

Kelsie A. Kolb
Environmental Risk Assessment of Paint Sludge from Ramapo/Ringwood, NJ

Ian M. Lowry
Computational Efficacy of Hamiltonian Moments-based Methods for the Calculation of Non-Tractable Potentials

Allison Ann Megale
The Influence of Language Abstraction on Judgments of Romantic Relationships

Monal Mehta
An in vitro Model of Alzheimer's Disease Using Streptozotocin and Glucose to Test the Ability of Metformin and Insulin to Alleviate Neurodegeneration

Nour E. Miraoui
Effects of Methylene blue on Nerve Cell Viability in an Alzheimer's Disease Hyperglycemic In vitro Model

Laura C Mulholland
Same Shit, Different Century: the World Bank, Imperialism, and Health

Amanda Omeljaniuk
Accept All Substitutes: A Historical Analysis of Cultural Taste Patterns Through An Examination of Mock Cuisine

Kishan Vinay Patel
From Colony to Country: Models of Decolonization and Their Application to Post-Conflict State Building

Mark D Patronella
The Impact of State Level Policies on Residential Solar Panel Installations

Thomas H Price
The Late Paintings of Worthington Whittredge: American Barbizon and the New Internationalism

Christopher C. Recio
Queer Negativity and Utopianism in Virginia Woolf and D.H. Lawrence

Elizabeth P Regedanz
Reactivation of Mutant p53 by Small Molecules: Development of a Reporter Gene Assay for Screening

Sarah Robinson
Self-Oriented and Socially Prescribed Perfectionists' Responses to Feedback:Investigating Aspiration Level, Persistence, and Performance

Eliza G. Sheff
Power Asymmetry, Interstate Cooperation, and Riparian Conflicts: Explaining the U.S.-Mexico Relationship Over Shard Rivers

Catherine L Spino
The Eye of the Beholder: Julia Pastrana, Saarjie Baartman, and the Social Anxieties that Surround Women who Cannot be Controlled

Allison Rose Staniec
Acid-Catalyzed Heterogeneous Reaction of Limonene with Mineral Aerosols: A New Mechanism for The Organic Coating of Inorganic Aerosols

Omaru Layee Washington
Ghana's Elite Female Entrepreneurs:What Can Policy Makers Learn from Their Success?

Miho E Watabe
The Virtuous Fan: Historical Identity and Modern Minority Representation in Comic Book Culture

Timothy J. Watkins
Behind a Mask: Performativity in the Gothic Thrillers of Louisa May Alcott