Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
author David Nesterov-Rappoport
title The Evolution of Trust: Understanding Prosocial Behavior in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Systems
abstract This thesis looks into what factors contribute to intelligent agents making the decision to cooperate with one another in social dilemma-like interactions. Using concepts from game theory, artificial intelligence, and biology, the work explores what considerations push interacting agents towards prosocial or antisocial strategies. Cooperative behaviors form the backbone of social organization, furthermore understanding their governing mechanics is of the utmost importance. To achieve this, a custom piece of software is developed to enable experimentation in the domain, a number of advanced machine learning models are trained, and research from across different disciplines is synthesized into a single perspective. At the core of the quantitative research lies the stag hunt family of games, played by reinforcement learning agents which try to maximize their average number of points earned. By observing their learning behavior in relationship to configuration parameters, ideas from past research are validated, future avenues for exploration are identified, and concrete principles about these systems are unearthed. On the way there, the thesis summarizes the academic foundation for its methods and tools, explains how they work, and elaborates on how they are to be coupled into a single consistent system. Lastly, the implications of the research are related to the human context and framed in concrete terms.
school The College of Liberal Arts, Drew University
degree B.A. (2022)
advisor Emily Hill
full textDNesterov-Rappoport.pdf