Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
author Dawrell G. Rich
title Bridging A Gap: The Role of African American Churches in Urban Environmental Justice
abstract At the intersection of black church studies, environmental justice, and critical urban studies, this dissertation aims to fill a lacunae created by scholars in these fields by expanding scholarship on urban black church environmentalism. The role of black churches in urban environmental justice has been overlooked in black church studies and urban environmental justice studies. This gap perpetuates a narrative that black Christian congregations have not taken seriously environmental issues that disproportionately affect their communities and wellness. Thus, this project seeks to fill the gap in the literature by providing a snapshot of predominately black U.S. congregations working to address socio-contextual environmental injustice issues like food insecurity, sustainability, and water, soil, and air pollution to build healthy communities for people of color.
school The Theological School, Drew University
degree Ph.D. (2024)
advisor Laurel Kearns
committee Gary Simpson
Arthur Pressley
full textDRich.pdf