Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
author Walter Luke Grote
title The Self That Therefore I Am Not: Jacques Lacan, Zen Buddhism, and the Practice of Subjectivity
abstract This work builds broadly on poststructuralism and the thought of Lacan in particular to present the subject as significantly culturally constructed and the vector of problematic societal dynamics. Furthermore, it draws on both Lacanian and Buddhist conceptions of the ego as deluded and alienated. Moreover, the ego unwarrantedly identifies with the forms of its vast cultural inheritance, thereby developing an attachment to this precedence and propagating it in its received form. Zen offers a means by which the subject can disengage from this process and realize a subjectivity of significant freedom that is aligned with what is ultimately Real.
school The Theological School, Drew University
degree Ph.D. (2022)
advisor Christopher Boesel
committee Catherine Keller
Hyo-Dong Lee
Stephen Moore
full textLGrote.pdf