Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
authorO'neil Scott Van Horn
titleGround of Becoming: An Eartheology
abstractAs our planet becomes an evermore fragile terrain of potential ecological catastrophe, a reimagined and renewed theology of and for the earth--an eartheology--is most urgent. A reflection on soil might help us--quite literally--ground our theological imaginations so as to remain hope/ful for the future of our Common Home. By meditating on this life-enabling matter, this matrix of chaotic complexities and inseparable entanglements, we may just find the Divine not only over our heads but beneath our soles. It is entirely possible that in soil we may discover a God far messier than we imagined, one intimately a part(icipant) of creation. And perhaps, that God may be calling--indeed, luring--us to preserve the ground, allowing it to become in ways organic and natural. Entwining the works of Paul Tillich, Alfred N. Whitehead, and Catherine Keller, in addition to a host of other voices, I toil to cultivate a theopoetics that may help us improve our fragile relations with the earth-ground. Blending process thought, Tillichian theology, and new materialisms, I seek to explore the consequences of a God who is the "ground of becoming."
schoolThe Theological School, Drew University
degreeM.A. (2017)
advisors Catherine Keller
Laurel Kearns
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