Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
authorDavid Castaneda
titleOn Christian Education in the Digital Age: The Socialization of a Transformed Epistemology and Key Implications for Pedagogy
abstractThe digital age has changed the way that people interact as a society, operate as individuals and has added a new over-layer of sociality, through the internet and social media. These changes have had an impact on the way people know their world - bringing about a hyper-social epistemology which causes them to depend more within this new sociality and less on traditional sources of knowing. In an answer to Parker Palmer's call to amend our pedagogy based on changed epistemology, this thesis explores and analyzes the way the Digital Age has transformed epistemology and suggests some ways Christian educators can begin amending their pedagogy.
schoolThe Theological School, Drew University
degreeM.A. (2017)
advisors Elias Ortega-Aponte
Jesse Mann
full textDCastaneda.pdf