Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
authorSangjung Lee
titleWilliam Booth's View of Sanctification As the Theological Roots of The Salvation Army's Mission
abstractIn this thesis, I argue that theological roots of The Salvation Army's missions and social works are from William Booth's view of sanctification.

First of all, this thesis examines the Quakers, John Wesley, and American revivalists, such as James Caughey, Charles Finney and Phoebe Palmer who had influenced William Booth. He had been influenced by the Quakers' non-ritualism, women's ministry, social conscience and their holy life. Booth's view of theology had been also influenced by Wesley's theological background. Booth grew up in the Methodist church and learned the format for a successful structure and holiness theology from Wesley's theology and mission. Not only that, Booth had been influenced by American revivalists, such as James Caughey, Charles Finney, and Phoebe Palmer. William Booth and his wife, Catherine Booth, had been highly influenced regarding women's ministry and promotion of holiness by Phoebe Palmer. James Caughey and Charles Finney also encouraged the Booths to employ the scientific methods being used by them at their revival meetings for promoting of holiness.

Secondly, in this thesis, I analyze Booth's view of sanctification as three parts. The first is personal sanctification. The second is institutional sanctification and the third part is social sanctification. At First, for Booth, pure heart or entire sanctification was not only the separation of the soul from sin, but also the devotion of the whole being to God. Secondly, Booth strongly wanted the Salvation Army to continue to save souls and to reform the world until Jesus' second coming. In order for the Salvation Army to remain steady and to carry out its missions for God, holiness is absolutely required in the unique organization of the Salvation Army. So Booth strongly maintained the importance of institutional sanctification for the organization of the Salvation Army. Finally, the most profound characteristic of William Booth's view of sanctification is social holiness. As Wesley maintained a balanced view of sanctification, Booth's view of sanctification emphasized not only personal holiness, but also social sanctification. Based on his view of social sanctification, Booth and his Army had operated many programs and events for societies in order to transform the world for the Kingdom of God.

schoolThe Theological School, Drew University
degreeM.A. (2015)
advisor Dr. Dale Patterson
committee Dr. Kevin Newburg
full textSLee.pdf