Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
author Jongoh Seo
title A Study of EPIC for Faith Education of Next Generation: A Case Study of Seokgok Church
abstract The church is amazing and has been around for a long time, like 2,000 years. It's seen a lot of changes in the world. Science and technology have advanced quickly, and people now live much longer, over 100 years sometimes. It's not crazy anymore to wonder if robots will take over.

With all these changes happening, it's important to think about how the church is changing and what's coming next. Nowadays, churches have some problems. Some stick too closely to old ways and lose their energy. Seeing churches in Europe turn into theaters or bars shows that we need to find new ways for the next generation to believe.

We need to go beyond just talking about faith and actually experience it. Churches should help with problems in society and show people what the gospel is all about. They should connect what's happening in the world with what's in the Bible.

Our study isn't just dreaming about a perfect church. We want to find real ways to teach faith, especially for young people. We're looking at Leonard Sweet's EPIC method and seeing how it can work for Seokgok Church.

We think young people want to do things and be part of the community, so we're going to change how we do worship services to make them more engaging. We'll also work with the local community and use images to show what our church is about. We'll team up with other churches and use cultural centers to get more people involved.

With this research, we want to deal with the problems of today and figure out what the church should be like for the future. Like a small light in the dark, we hope young people can lead the way.

school The Theological School, Drew University
degree D.Min. (2024)
advisor Leonard Sweet
committee Byoungho Zoh
Younglae Kim
full textJSeo.pdf