Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
author James M Gehrke
title Walking the Sacred Journey: (Re) Discovering the Spiritual Significance of Pilgrimage in a Secular World
abstract Pilgrimage has historically been a transformative journey, guiding individuals toward spiritual discovery and transformation through encounters with sacred narratives in places where the sacred and profane converge. This thesis explores the relevance of pilgrimage in the modern secular world, where faith and purpose can seem elusive. Drawing on core values such as faith, focus, perseverance, encountering the "other," service, rituals, and cultural exchange, pilgrimage offers guiding principles for those seeking purpose and spiritual fulfillment in the 21st century.

The project introduces the Camino for Good Application, a digital platform designed to facilitate virtual pilgrimages. This platform is aimed at exploring the importance of pilgrimage in modern life and argues that pilgrimage, whether physical or virtual, can enrich lives and reconnect individuals with the sacred in everyday existence. Through intentional engagement with the sacred, pilgrimage awakens inner spiritual awareness, leading to profound transformations within the pilgrim that extend into daily life.

Approached from the unique perspective of a 21st-century Norh – American Christian and member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter – Day Saints, this thesis offers a fresh exploration of pilgrimage spirituality in today's world. With limited exposure to pilgrimage before walking the Way of St. James in 2009, the author shares personal insights and reflections, taking readers on a virtual pilgrimage to (re)discover the essence of pilgrimage, explore relevant lessons for the 21st century, and apply pilgrimage spirituality in daily life.

This project transcends traditional discourse on pilgrimage, inviting individuals to embark on their own journeys of enlightenment. It encourages a renewed appreciation for the spiritual benefits of pilgrimage in the modern age. It offers insights into why this ancient practice remains significant for contemporary believers. Through this work, I invite readers to (re)discover the profound power of pilgrimage. This journey beckons those willing to stretch themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually in their life journeys.

school The Theological School, Drew University
degree D.Min. (2024)
advisor Robert Seesengood
committee John Rosenberg
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