Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
author Helen Elizabeth Love Tu'uta
title The Practice of Joy: A Model of Transformation for the Individual or Church
abstract There is a great need for transformation in mainline denominations and churches that have experienced a significant decline in membership and vitality. Individuals also seek to be transformed as they pursue healing and wholeness. In response to this need for transformation for individuals and churches, I propose that the cultivation of joy enhances opportunities for transformation, vitality, and growth in churches and individuals. To do so, I share my personal story and weave my own experiences in ministry through case studies of churches that needed transformation and revitalization. The case studies reveal two aspects: (1) Churches encounter problems with prescribed transformation processes, and (2) many churches and pastors have unresolved trauma. I demonstrate that the residual consequences of this trauma mimic the same symptoms in individuals with unresolved trauma. These symptoms interfere with secure connection in relationships, one's sense of self and identity, creativity, imagination, faith, and hope, among other behavioral, social, spiritual, and medical issues. Since joy is cultivated through relationships with others, unresolved trauma must be addressed. Play and creativity hold key roles in healing from trauma by establishing connection, building one's identity and positive sense of self, and rekindling imagination and hope.

Comparing the case studies, literature review, statistical analysis, and ethnography with data collected from interviews and questionnaires with 72 individuals, I, a United Methodist clergywoman, used grounded theory to posit that the cultivation of joy through play and creativity should be an intentional part of any process aimed to transform or revitalize. I then offer recommendations to minimize future trauma and ways to use spiritual practices, creativity, and play to establish safe connections with others and with God. This, then, enhances the possibility of cultivating joy and experiencing transformation, revitalization, and growth.

school The Theological School, Drew University
degree D.Min. (2023)
advisor Angella M Son
Meredith H Schol
committee Mark P Vigen
Elizabeth M Breakey
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