Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
author Teresita Matos-Post
title Comadre Leadership Among Protestant Latinas/X: Bridging the Struggle With Strengths
abstract What does the leadership development of Latinas/x look like in the United Methodist Church (UMC) and the Presbyterian Church (USA)? This paper is an ethnography of 14 interviews I conducted with Latinas/x ministers serving as clergy and laity.

Through the lens of the Mujerista theology of Ada Maria Isasi -Diaz, the theoretical framework of feminist scholar Gloria Anzaldúa, and the auto-ethnography of Alicia Vargas, I analyze their stories of lived experiences as they follow the call to ministry and develop their leadership in two predominantly white mainline denominations.

In the data analysis, patterns relate to the dangers and obstacles they face, such as identity, disorientation, and economic equity. Moreover, their stories demonstrate leadership strengths and capacities, such as emotional intelligence and lifelong learning.

Finally, features expected in comadrazgo relationships, in which family values inform the relationship among comadres, point to the importance of developing networks that nurture, equip, endorse, and deploy Latinas/x towards their ministerial journeys.

My goal is to document their experiences and lessons learned to equip emerging leaders in their journey so that they are less blindsided and have tools to help navigate the current church systems.

school The Theological School, Drew University
degree D.Min. (2023)
advisor J. Terry Todd
Angela Yarber
committee Allison Pinto
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