Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
author Kellie Turner
title Burn the Damned Cape: The Correlation Between the Neglect of Self Care and the Abuse of Power by African American Male Clergy
abstract There has been a great deal of research done regarding clergy abuse especially following the global spotlight placed upon the Catholic church and the countless claims of sexual misconduct by priests. There has also been an exodus of clergy leaving the ministry because of stress, depression, and basic burnout. Up until recently, there had not been much scholarship or data focused on African American clergy. As a minister of music, worship leader, and associate pastor having served in several faith settings, I recognize a need for more research focused on African American faith leaders. This project aims to argue that the root of misconduct stems from there being some area of deficiency. While this does not excuse behavior or any acts of violence, it does raise awareness of looking at care of self while in service to others. This project focuses on African American male clergy and their abuse of power and neglect of self-care. It looks at how abuse of power is defined particularly within a faith context. It also looks at any theological implications informed by scripture. How does certain texts address abuse of power? How does it address care of self? It also focuses on what happens to congregations, pastors, and ministries when pastoral self-care is compromised. What are some cultural or traditional expectations of faith leaders that have led to malfeasance? This is not to suggest that abuse of power does not occur with female faith leaders and specifically African American female clergy because it absolutely does. This project focuses on African American male clergy with the goal of seeing how self-care and abuse of power intersects with a desired outcome of creating programs within congregations that address clergy self-care awareness and ethical accountability. By doing this reframing, and moving towards a more restorative rather than punitive approach, this project challenges the optics of the pastoral model of leadership within black faith communities in a 21st century context.
school The Theological School, Drew University
degree D.Min. (2022)
advisor Traci C West
committee Beverly R Wallace
Katrina Roseboro-Marsh
Bryant Woodford
Michael Evans
Naomi Washington-Leapheart
full textKTurner.pdf