Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
author Ruthann Reid
title Live and Let Die: Embracing The Life, Death, And Grief Cycles In The African American Church
abstract This dissertation explores how African Americans (particularly in the church context) experienced, handled, and prepared for living their lives to the fullest and dying a good death. This creative and systematic work involves the biblical, historical, communal, and social aspects of how African Africans have dealt with these topics and what may be needed to further assist this community. Specific emphasis has been given to the corona virus pandemic and how our outlook on life has been effected by covid - 19.
school The Theological School, Drew University
degree D.Min. (2022)
advisor Meredith E Hoxie Schol
Kevin D Miller
committee Kimberly Holmes
Joanne Whitley
William Cofield
Hannah Cofield
Karen Jones
Samuel Taylor
Derron Thomas
full textRReid.pdf