Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
author Zhaodeng Peng
title The Andrew Movement
abstract Churches have wondered how to best evangelize to more people. What is the best way to make more disciples for God? This thesis aims to provide a Biblically based answer to the question of making more disciples. This thesis draws from personal experience being the minister at a church in the ethnically diverse neighborhood of Sunset Park, Brooklyn, as well as the experiences of many other churches. Various Biblical stories and examples from history are included. The resulting solution is the Andrew Movement: a movement inspired by the story of Andrew in the Bible, and how Andrew brought people to Christ. The model of the Andrew Movement is practical and applicable to any church and person.
school The Theological School, Drew University
degree D.Min. (2022)
advisor Meredith Hoxie Schol
Benjamin Yoo
full textZPeng.pdf