Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
author San Ho Lee
title Nurturing mission of Military Church through One to One Bible Study : A Case Study of Military Churches in Korea
abstract Recently, the Military Church reflected on the Military Mission Vision 2020 Action Movement and declared the Military Mission Vision 2030 as a new military mission vision, focusing on the slogan "One Soul to Christ!" The main content is to emphasize the nurturing of military believers by transforming the mission paradigm centered on quantitative growth into qualitative growth. Of course, there has been a nurturing program so far, but it was not enough to release it as a nurturing program optimized for the situation of the military church in Korea.

Thus, in this paper, I studied nurturing programs optimized for military churches. In particular, the purpose is to propose a one to one nurturing program for the growth of faith of military church members. The one to one nurturing program is optimized for the situation of the military church. This is because there is little risk of personal stories being rumored, and you can focus on the growth of a person's faith through interactive communication.

To this end, the Tong Bible School Step 2. Mind Training course was reorganized into a one to one nurturing program. The mind training course allows readers to read the entire story of the Bible from the perspective of God's heart, through which readers can understand and realize God's heart.

And James Fowler's theory of faith development was applied to verify that the soldiers in the program achieved the growth of faith. It is not easy to enter the fourth stage of faith, which overcomes the third stage, which is a conventional and compliant faith, and establishes a solid identity. Christian youths who leave their families and are exposed to the new environment of the military naturally face an identity crisis as Christians. It is hoped that through the one-to-one nurturing program, they will grow into healthy Christians who have established their identity as Christians and be reborn as workers in the Korean church in the future.

school The Theological School, Drew University
degree D.Min. (2022)
advisor Byungho Zoh
Leonard Sweet
committee Younglae Kim
full textSLee24.pdf