Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
author Tae Soon Im
title A Strategy of Re-Mission : From Taker to Giver
abstract This thesis is based on the missionary experience in Africa and ponders the direction of the future mission of the Korean church. The purpose is to present the mission strategy of what and how to transform to become a "Community" From a Taker to a Giver. During my 30 years of missionary work in Kenya, there is something that has not left my mind. The question was how can we make the Kenya church and Christian community, as a taker to be a giver, a mission oriented community. Because I believe that the Kenyan churches and communities in my eyes have grown into people who can already give with the grace and blessings that God has given them. According to this purpose, the research project was set as follows. First, consider what is God's mission? Second, dealing with issues in the African mission field, Third, I would like to present the mission strategy that Kenya East Africa churches need. I look forward to contribute that although the topics covered in this thesis may be objective and personal, and this study will be insufficient in many ways, this thesis opens a new perspective to the Korean church and helps missionary candidates think about the direction and strategy of future missions.
school The Theological School, Drew University
degree D.Min. (2022)
advisor Byungho Zoh
Leonard Sweet
committee Younglae Kim
full textTIm.pdf