Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
author Amanda Todd
title The Goose Talks, Public Theology, and God's Forgiving Love: Matthew 18:15-17 in Action
abstract In the summer of 2020, The Wild Goose Meeting House, a café in downtown Colorado Springs, Colorado, crafted a series of conversations on racial justice called "The Goose Talks." Over the course of twelve weeks, the café hosted sixteen events in order to engage the local community in discussions about the intersection of race and topics such as religion, reparations, inclusion, LGBTQ justice, and more.

While The Goose Talks series was successful in its own right, the events that followed created an opportunity to explore what happens when spirituality, social justice, the arts, and community-building intersect in the public square, especially in a culture where social media affects all areas of life.

This paper analyzes The Goose Talks as well as conflict within the community created with those who participated in The Goose Talks in various ways, and considers the conflict resolution prescribed by Jesus in Matthew 18:15-17 as an important aspect of public theology in the current day.

school The Theological School, Drew University
degree D.Min. (2021)
advisor Jacqui Lewis
committee John Janka
Terry Todd
full textATodd.pdf