Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
author Arturo Pierre Lewis
title An Approach to Transitioning a Predominantly White Congregation to Embrace a Multiracial Multicultural Worship Experience
abstract This work is about the learning of a diverse and inclusive multiracial multicultural worship service and how I believe it can transform a traditional white congregation. I describe how a multiracial multicultural worship service can revive a congregation and interest newcomers.

The two multiracial multicultural worship services that I present here are comprised of diverse and inclusive congregants who gave themselves permission to know and love each other. The participant-leaders of worship share different responsibilities for all who were gathered in the sanctuary, or listened and watched on various virtual platforms. Doing so enabled our community to cultivate an understanding of mutual and shared affinity, respect, and appreciation for one another.

This experience informed and strengthened my church’s resolve to develop a deep compassion for one another. It was here, in these roles, in worship, that we modeled and practiced how to love and work collaboratively as a beloved community in the church and then, with others in the community. There is more work to be done yet I believe God will complete transformation at Emmanuel Church as part of Emmanuel’s destiny.

school The Theological School, Drew University
degree D.Min. (2021)
advisor J. Terry Todd
full textAPLewis.pdf
 Appendix 1 and 2 with video links