Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
author Bonnie Mixon McCrickard
title Stories of Growth and Decline: Examining the Measurement of The Episcopal Church's Efficacy
abstract The church has been keeping records in various forms for centuries. The Episcopal Church in the US continues that tradition and has focused in the last century primarily on membership and average Sunday worship attendance (ASA). Several research organizations collect data from churches which are often reported in popular press and religious organization publications. As church attendance and the role of church in people's lives and in broader society has changed, these statistics have become less useful in describing the efficacy of the church in its mission and in helping clergy determine what is effective in ministry, resulting in an overall narrative of decline of the church.

This study seeks to gather information from seven parish clergy in the same diocese in which I serve as rector of Phila Church. These clergy were asked about their assessments of their parish and ministry. Participants were interviewed about the ways they detect growth and decline in their parishes. Most participants reported that ASA is one indicator among many they use to determine "how the church is doing." Two participants described concrete processes their parishes use to decide where and how to deploy human and financial resources for ministry. Others outlined the cues and anecdotes that help them assess for decline or growth.

The responses and analysis of the responses of participants are presented alongside my assessment of Phila Church, where I had earlier applied several processes to assess readiness and capacity for change. Results from these processes at Phila Church demonstrate the suitability of translating existing tools and processes from the social sciences into church usage. Because these existing social science tools are reliable and valid, their use could encourage clergy and laity with beneficial evaluations of their ministry efforts.

school The Theological School, Drew University
degree D.Min. (2020)
advisor Kevin Miller
Meredith Hoxie Schol
committee Donna Ciangio
full textBMMcCrickard.pdf