Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
author Taikjo Kim
title Teaching the Bible and the Doctrine through Stories at Military Churches in Korea
abstract The purpose of this paper is to propose "Tong Bible School" and "Pilgrim's Progress Seminar" which can be learned through narrative for military church members. "Tong Bible School" and "Pilgrim's Progress Seminar" are an exciting and easy way to learn the essential contents of the Bible and the doctrine in a short time. It is a nurturing process that provides an opportunity to learn the Bible and the doctrine considering the duration of church membership for only one or two years.

According to the above objectives, this research project was set as follows. First, what is the theoretical background of learning from stories? Second, how do the "Tong Bible School" and "Pilgrim's Progress Seminar" convey the Bible and the doctrine in stories? Third, what are the results of applying the "Tong Bible School" and "Pilgrim's Progress Seminar" to military churches?

As a theoretical background, the discussion of the story of Paul Ricoeur and Jerome Bruner was noted. Paul Ricoeur suggests that stories can form human experiences and events into a plot structure through the Mimesis threefold theory. It can lead to hermeneutic circulation through the reader's re-shaping of the story. Jerome Bruner categorizes the paradigm mode and the story mode for the method of knowing. He explains that perception through stories does not exclude senses. It is an effective perception system to grasp the multifaceted and changing situation of human beings and contributes to strengthening self-identity through stories.

Tong Bible School recognizes the Bible as "Jesus' Cross, One Story". Jesus Christ shouted "It is finished" on the cross. Tong Bible School says that this declaration is a link between the kingdom of priests-the five great empires-the kingdom of God. Since then, he has been telling the core of the Bible through stories through the seven steps of God's heart, the Bible stem, prayer, and evangelism. "Pilgrim's Progress Seminar" presents the story of a pilgrim who goes to heaven in an allegorical form. Through this, we can examine the lives of Christians who live a life of salvation and sanctification.

"Tong Bible School" and "Pilgrim's Progress Seminar" were delivered for military church members. Military church members were able to learn the Bible and the doctrine interestingly and easily through these two courses.

I hope that "Tong Bible School" and "Pilgrim's Progress Seminar" which the thesis learns from the story can contribute to the transformation of the military church nurturing system into an organic and systematic solid nurturing system.

school The Theological School, Drew University
degree D.Min. (2020)
advisor Younglae Kim
Byeongho Zho
full textTKim.pdf