Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
author Johnnie Brooker
title The Role of the National Baptist African American Female Clergy: Shifting the Culture Using Liberation to Empower the 21st Century Church
abstract The following research project seeks to challenge the patriarchal stance that exists in the National Baptist Convention Incorporated by utilizing myself and other pastors to bring justice to a community that has been marginalized oppressed and disenfranchised. The purpose is to explore ways that the NBCI would be receptive to the gifts and callings of women in ministry. I emailed and called over 70 churches asking pastors to participate. I told them that they would be receiving a questionnaire that had to be completed and sent back to me. I advised that the first five male pastors and five female pastors who completed the study would be a part of this research and that I would not divulge their personal identity. I used Micah 6:6-8 as a theological framework to show how God is at work in the life of women in ministry. The role of women in the Baptist church in particular African-American women in ministry have faced an uphill battle for as long as women have been in ministry. Furthermore the loud voices of women as experienced in the Bible have long been silenced by critical patriarchal standards. But there has been a critical and yet transformational shift in many of our churches across the United States that have affirmed women and celebrated their voices, but these voices continue to be silenced in the National Baptist Convention USA Inc. God is calling for transformational leadership in the National Baptist Convention USA Incorporated hierarchy when it comes to women being in positions of power and the pastorate. I used the works of liberation theologian Howard, Thurman, Jacqueline Lewis, Robert Warrior and others to help structure the foundation and to help with steps of dismantling the patriarchal leadership of the National Baptist Convention USA Incorporated.
school The Theological School, Drew University
degree D.Min. (2020)
advisor Diane Davis
Rhoda Myles
committee Mary Washington
Doris Suit
Doreth Davis
Bernard Davis
Nicole Hodges
full textJBrooker.pdf