Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
author Katherine J. Myers
title Hip Hop | Spoken Word | Poetry and Story-Telling: A Pedagogy for Christian Religious Education
abstract This Doctor of Ministry project investigates Hip Hop | Spoken Word | Poetry and Story-Telling as a practical pedagogy for Christian religious education curricula in the African Methodist Episcopal Church through the lens of a narrative inquiry. While a significant amount of research has been conducted in the academy regarding how to incorporate elements of Hip Hop in academic settings, there is little regarding the church and Christian religious education. The African Methodist Episcopal Church has seen a decline in membership, Sunday School participation, and Bible study attendance. This project explores the approach and benefits of developing a Hip Hop | Spoken Word | Poetry and Story-Telling pedagogy as a curriculum for spiritual transformation, discipleship formation, personal liberation and cultural reconciliation through Christian religious education.

The African Methodist Episcopal Church has a twenty-first century mandate of discipleship formation. Rather than appropriating elements of Hip Hop as a gimmick to draw youth, adolescents and millennials into the church and Christian religious education ministries, I have developed a Hip Hop | Spoken Word | Poetry and Story-Telling theoretical framework which is an extension of engaged pedagogy, culturally-responsive pedagogy and Hip Hop education pedagogy to be used for transformative Christian religious education in the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

school The Theological School, Drew University
degree D.Min. (2019)
advisor Dr. Susan Kendall Ph.D
committee Dr. Danielle Hunter
Dorian McDonald
Dr. C. Northington Purdie
Kyla T Slaughter
Dr. Ronald L Slaughter
Darryl Stewart
full textKJMyers.pdf