Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
authorRoy Grubbs
titleAbundant Life
abstract The purpose of this project was to discover various interpretations and meanings of the phrase Abundant Life using the biblical text from John 10:10 by listening to and learning the stories and experiences of white, Christian men in the privileged communities of the North Shore of Long Island. Through reflexive listening, I discovered contemporary definitions of what it means to be a white male today and compared that with past understandings. By studying the text with a small group of white men, I learned new and different interpretations that lead to transformation and engagement in work to bring justice, opportunity, and equality for all. I also provide insights as to why white men engage (or do not engage) in social justice ministries.

I believe that many white men feel they are facing an "identity crisis" today. With the rapidly changing social, political, and racial landscape of our society, long-standing issues such as immigration, environmental justice, equality, legal support, economic opportunity, education, have even more importance. With the increase of women in leadership and increasing numbers of people with different ethnicities speaking out, demanding to be heard, I believe the "power" white men have in the U.S. is being challenged. Through this project, I learned the stories, struggles, fears, and questions several white men have about their future and learned common motivating factors that have led some white men in this context to work for opportunity and life-giving ministries. I discovered that through empathy and engagement with the pain and suffering of people from different communities and experiences, transformation occurs possibly leading to engagement to work for justice, opportunity, and equality for all. I hope that through deep listening and identifying these motivating factors, I will be able to help others do the same, leading to new possibilities for more people in our surrounding communities.

schoolThe Theological School, Drew University
degreeD.Min. (2019)
advisor Susan Kendall
committee Terry Todd
full textRGrubbs.pdf