Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
authorMoonsung Na
titleSystematic and Organic Administration for Tong Ministry : A Case Study of Saejungang Church, Anyang, Korea
abstract The modern church is a place where many people gather to worship God within various systematic structures, thus it is inevitable for interpersonal conflicts to arise. In this aspect, the importance of church administration cannot be ignored as a key influence in ameliorating the issues that contemporary churches are facing. It is a vital factor in deciding the vision and direction of the church. There are two components to effective church administration: Systematic and Organic Administration.

Systematic Administration in the church regards the prevention of various possible internal conflicts in order to avoid legal entanglements in secular courts. By doing so, churches could appropriately handle their struggles from within. A good example is establishing church bylaws which includes the structure and administration policies of the church. On the other hand, Organic Administration in church involves the interaction and relationship among different groups inside the church. This concept originates from the church's DNA as rooted in the Bible. Due to the fact that the church represents the Body of Christ, which consists of various organic parts, a management style should reflect this trait. Therefore, balance is necessary between Systematic Administration that deals with legal aspects and Organic Administration with its relational aspects.

Paul clearly states that the church is the Body of Christ. In 1 Corinthians 12:26, Paul explains that all parts of the Body of Christ should work in unison. From this aspect, Organic Administration, which is achieved through interpersonal relationship and cooperation among the congregation members, is needed.

Primarily, the church ought to take care of all issues through Organic Administration; close interaction and cooperation among organizations, departments and congregation members. Then, when the inevitable conflicts occur, Systematic Administration will be applied to resolve them. In the process, balance will be achieved, and God sovereignty will be proclaimed and thus influence the world. Lastly, God's people will unite in the Holy Spirit and will be the church that it was meant to be.

schoolThe Theological School, Drew University
degreeD.Min. (2018)
advisors Byungho Zoh
Leonard Sweet
committee Younglae Kim
full textMNa.pdf