Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
authorFernando Linhares
titleWalk With Me: Liberation Theology and Critical Theory within Prison Ministry
abstract Liberation theology seeks to emphasize the situated reality of the subjugated and minimize oppression when present, popularly thought of as having "a preferential option for the poor." Critical theory reflects on structures of oppression that creates or exacerbates subjugation of the other and seeks to either expose or ideally deconstruct such systems so that oppression may be alleviated. This submission is heavily reliant on such theology and theory as well as the weekend structure outlined within the Kairos Prison Ministry Program Manual. Essentially these decades old prison ministry efforts rely on ecumenical Christian volunteers (although dominated by Roman Catholics and Pentecostals/nondenominational) to enter correctional institutions and create fellowship with the detained, building self-esteem. Although modification to the program is somewhat tolerated, the weekend ministry effort traditionally consists of six or more meditations and ten or more "talks" or discussions of how scripture applies to the subjugated, and more importantly how the subjugated can find their own redemption narrative in scripture.
schoolThe Theological School, Drew University
degreeD.Min. (2018)
advisors Kevin Miller
Susan Kendall
full textFLinhares.pdf