Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
authorJaneide A. Chillis
titleA Theology of Disability Toward Faith & Healing
abstractMinistry often has to address the needs of those who are vulnerable, those in pain and suffering, including people with a range of disabilities. The aim of this current project is to study how Scripture views the issue of disability in the context of ministry. This project focuses on the invisibility of the disabled and probes how the theology of ministry and pastoral care, through the development of spirituality and healing, supports persons with a disability. The project also promotes the notion that ministry for the disabled should never be allowed to rest on the principles of marginality but should shift towards comprehensive inclusivity. The research questions how understanding suffering, healing, and spirituality can be properly integrated into the practice of ministers' daily life and work.

First, the project narrates the author's personal journey in the context of ministry and invisible disability, clarifying the terms of disability and invisible disease syndrome. Second, the work provides a theological reflection on living with a disability, discussing the question of the ministry of healing and faith in theology. In doing so, faith, spirituality, prayer, and healing are discussed in the context of issues raised by a variety of disabilities. Wholeness and transformation versus curative treatments are discussed. Disability is viewed from perspectives of the church and its leadership together with the position and perceptions of a disabled minister. The Book of Ruth is employed for understanding the issue of mental disability from the position of a Biblical narrative.

The work does not address the question of disability, focusing on types of disabilities found in the biblical-historical narratives, dealing with physical impairments, chronic illnesses, mental, and emotional disabilities. Rather, the work covers crucial theological and psycho-spiritual issues that exist in the ministry of the disabled as well as aspects of living with conditions such as IDS (Invisible Disease Syndrome}. This research clarifies how theology, ministry, and Scripture are able to positively influence these issues. The final outcome of this project is the development of the workbook, Specialized Ministry, that offers a paradigm for dealing with cases of disability in any church or denomination.

schoolThe Theological School, Drew University
degreeD.Min. (2018)
advisors Susan Kendall
Meredith Hoxie
full textJAChillis.pdf