Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
authorDavid Murphy
titleRediscovering Our Spiritual DNA
abstractOur Spiritual DNA reveals your spiritual identity as that which makes you, including your spiritual strengths, your spiritual gifts, your spiritual passions and your spiritual call. A member of the church had expressed the church was dying with this in mind we began to study the Spiritual DNA of the church as a whole and ourselves as individuals. Ethnography was a tool that was used to teach us to listen to the stories and narratives that were deliver by the congregation to help identify us spiritually. This method help show us that we all have a lot of embedded theology with in us. Embedded theology is about our understanding of faith from many encounters with our Christianity. Many of the things that we do in church such as worship, pray, sit and sing are all accomplished from what have been taught since we were children. This method help us with our Deliberation Theology. This is the process of reflecting on multiple understanding of our faith implicit in the life and witness of Christians in order to identify and/or develop the most adequate understanding possible. It makes us realize to the fact that even though we are Christians, we are theologians. Discovering our spiritual DNA made us really look inside ourselves and notice that we all have different gifts but we all have a great deal to give. This thought pattern was put to the test when the church organized their 150th church celebration. We notice that the church that one thought was dying still had plenty of life.
schoolThe Theological School, Drew University
degreeD.Min. (2017)
advisor Susan Kendall
full textDMurphy.pdf