Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
authorKiwan Kim
titleA Study on Biblical Relationship Prayer for Church Renewal: A Case of Hwikyung Church in Seoul, Korea
abstractThis study begins with the real challenge of the church community that I have serve. The crisis and decline of churches in Europe over the past 1000 years have been an avoidable reality. The same worries and concern are coming to Korean churches that have been in existence for over 130 years. Also, the church I have serve has been experiencing a decline in the number of members and a spiritual stagnation of faith as all of their early life and vision have taken away for the half-century years. To make matters worse, it is also experiencing social tyranny and internal conflicts. At this time, I noticed one of the clues of solving the problems of the Korean church in prayer during various church activities to restore the relationship with God.

I have conducted a literature study that summarizes and analyzes related literature for a series of studies on prayer. First, I have examined the nature of the Biblical church in order to provide a basis for the necessity and direction of church renewal. In order to find the essence of prayer, I have tried to identify the etymology, types, and forms of biblical prayer, to present biblical and theological grounds and to help understanding. The result of this study was named Relation Prayer, which was intended to highlight the original purpose of prayer for the purpose of creating, sustaining and developing relationships with God. Relationship prayer is summarized as follows.

Relation Prayer is not a prayer centered on a "need" but a "meeting" centered prayer. Relational prayer is not a prayer centered on "me", but a prayer centered on "making a relationship". Relation Prayer is not a prayer centered on "gaining", but a "intimacy" centered prayer. Relation prayer is not "accomplished" centered prayer but "pleasure" centered prayer.

Based on this, I developed a relationship prayer training program, analyzed and evaluated the understanding of prayer through questionnaires, and conducted seminars, prayer education, prayer meetings, and prayer meetings, after training respectively. As a result, relationship prayer helped prayers to realize the importance of restoring the relationship with God, and played a crucial role in renewing prayer with God-centered prayer from prayer-centered prayer, And the church community contributed to restoring the expectation and enthusiasm of prayer. We have confirmed that God is living and working and this study is an effective tool for personal renewal, the renewal of the faith of church community, and the revival of the church.

schoolThe Theological School, Drew University
degreeD.Min. (2017)
advisors Byoungho Zho
Younglae Kim
committee Leonard Sweet
full textKKim.pdf