Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
authorDave Kelvin Allen
titleWho Are My Congregants? Identifying Strategies for Church Growth on Our Community
abstract Churches within communities exist for a purpose and a reason. Over time, these goals sometimes get lost as church leadership adds ministries and certain churches experience fast growth. It is for that very reason that this project takes a microscopic look at Bethel AME, a small church of fifteen members in Arverne, New York. In the past, this church was the fastest growing church in Arverne. During the last twenty years, however, Bethel AME has gone from the fastest growing church in its community to a church with the least members.

The first intention of the project is to uncover the original thought process behind why the denomination placed the church in the community of Arverne. Bethel AME Church has a Thursday food pantry that serves over one hundred and eighty meals per week. Even though the food pantry is regarded as an essential service to the community of Arverne, the church has still not experienced growth.

The project examines the work of the food pantry and its relationship with those individuals who come weekly for the food. I argue that through evangelism to those serviced by the food pantry the church has a tremendous opportunity for present and future growth.

The project implements the methodology and strategy of Peter Drucker, an author, and expert in the field of non-profit consulting. To clarify its goals, this project will utilize Drucker's famous question: "Who are our congregants?" The primary objective is to create a "Pantry Day" separate from the regular weekly pantry day and incorporate it into a church service of thanksgiving. The purpose of the Pantry Day is for the church and community to jointly come together in solidarity. The project suggests that the key ingredient for Bethel AME church growth is it's consistent and weekly engagement with pantry patrons. Once Pantry Day is fully executed, it will become apparent to the church that its growth strategy has shifted from speaking theoretically of evangelism to becoming active in service to the community.

schoolThe Caspersen School of Graduate Studies, Drew University
degreeD.Min. (2017)
advisors Dr. Kevin D Miller
Dr. Donna L Ciango
committee Victoria A Powell
Lyndon Flaviano
Chiquita Carter
Dorothea Washington
Artie Crawford
Barbara Crawford
Damon Robles
full textDKAllen.pdf