Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
authorGwangjung Kim
titleThe Benefits of Tong Bible Quiet Time in Congregational Development: A Case Study of Tong Church, Gwangju Metropolitan City, Korea
abstract Until now, Quiet Time has been the focus on the meaning of the passage in paragraph. But this way was alienated from Quiet Time God's will through the entire Bible. Also there had been several movements to overcome the crisis of the Korean Church through the Bible. In accordance with this trend, I suggest a new way to focus on finding of the mind of God through the Bible.

This study basically rely on case studies. Also I conducted this study in the way of Tong. Case Study is a survey of young people say the data. They meditated the Bible using <Heart & Thinking> for three years. And Tong is the way to watch the whole and the parts at the same time. Dr. Zoh is the first to use that way.

<Heart & Thinking> is configured in the order in history. Furthermore, that is configured to read the Bible one page per day. If you use this method, it takes three years reading the Bible. If you consistently practice this method, you can know the mind of God and flow of the Bible.

To support this fact, I conducted a project to young people who had a religious life with me into the target. They read the Bible one page per day. And they meditated what they read. According to the results of the project, they became interested in God's mind. And they realized the flow of the Bible. Also they come to understand the Bible as the story of one.

In order to follow the will of God we must know the mind of God. In order to know the mind of God we have to know the flow of the Bible. The best way to know the flow of the Bible is to read the Bible in the order of history for three years. I expect to do some part of this study in overcoming the crisis at a church in Korea.

schoolThe Caspersen School of Graduate Studies, Drew University
degreeD.Min. (2016)
advisors Younglae Kim
Byungho Zoh
committee Leonard Sweet
full textGKim.pdf