Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
authorGeorge Akins, Jr.
titlePractices in Faith Formation and Discipleship Towards the Next Generation Church at Refuge Temple Church of God in Christ, Englewood, New Jersey
abstract This dissertation project addresses the historical disposition, current opportunities, strategy and actions of the Refuge Temple Church in attracting and integrating young adults between the ages of 20-40 to become Christian disciples as part of the Refuge Temple Church family. This project seeks to work through the group formation dynamics in equipping congregational laity for the ministry by forming and facilitating small community groups in relationship building. The objective of this project is to influence the practices and behaviors of the congregation through the impact of transforming lay leaders to becoming highly relational members who can become effective at forming and leading others into a life of Christian discipleship.
schoolThe Caspersen School of Graduate Studies, Drew University
degreeD.Min. (2016)
advisor Heather Elkins
committee Gary Simpson
full textGAkins.pdf