Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
authorPamela J. Stanley
titleNew Member Assimilation: Closing The Back Door Through Systemic Membership Management
abstract"Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood." Acts 20:28

Brooklyn Community Church (BCC) is an independent community church affiliated with the American Baptist Churches of Metro New York. Founder and Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. Fred Lucas has pastored five churches in the course of his forty-two years in ministry. Organized and incorporated in September 2010, BCC held its inaugural worship service on October 1, 2010. In 2011, the first full year of its existence, 98 new members joined the church, followed by 37 and 81 in the second and third years respectively. Currently, in year four, a total of 297 souls have become members of BCC. Enthusiastic members regularly invited family and friends to church, some of which would also eventually join. Their evangelism was, in part, responsible for the rapid increase in BCC church membership.

Setting up effective discipleship for new members is often challenging for a new church. Many times discipleship practices are lost in the excitement of a growing church. The lack of attention and care can leave members feeling neglected and can stifle spiritual growth. When not enough attention is devoted to monitoring church members and addressing their needs, new members may become inactive or leave church oftentimes without anyone noticing. Part of this dynamic is attributed to an ineffective assimilation process.

Stemming from the understanding of the church as a system with interrelated parts, this project seeks to examine the assimilation system at Brooklyn Community Church and create a system that supports effective new member assimilation by creating tracking mechanisms within the New Members Ministry and the Family Ministry. The ultimate objective is to enhance new member assimilation. This will begin by exploring the practices and systems of the New Members Ministry and the Family Ministry.

schoolThe Caspersen School of Graduate Studies, Drew University
degreeD.Min. (2015)
advisor Fred A Lucas
committee Priscilla Hall
Bernadine Williams
Buren Figueroa
Veronica Price
Marilyn Hunte
Pulane Lucas
Barbara Frierson
full textPJStanley.pdf
suppl. filesappendices.pdf