Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
authorYoung Gwan Gwan Park
titleFor the Spiritual Journey of the Korean Immigrant Church: From the Christian Spirituality of Chaoskampf Through the Hopeful Practice of Liberation, To the Peaceful Fellowship of Sabbath Rest-Shim
abstractThe purpose of this project is to help the Korean immigrant church, to enter into a higher spiritual journey of three steps. That is, all congregants of New Ark Church have agreed to experience Sabbath rest spirituality through participation in this project. In the spiritual journey of New Ark Church, there are three spiritual steps: Chaoskampf spirituality, Liberation spirituality, and Shim spirituality--Sabbath rest. As long as an immigrant church is in the chaotic situation of immigrant life, the church is not only in need of liberation, but also must recover Sabbath rest spirituality, a hanless spirituality.

In this research project, I establish historically and theologically the ways that Koreans have long been living in a chaotic manner and how that experience after generates feelings of han and depression. Thus, this project encourages New Ark Church, as an immigrant church, to be liberated from Chaoskampf spirituality and to recover Sabbath rest spirituality through the symbolic sacramental liberation experienced in Shim worship.

In order to experience Sabbath rest (Shim, hanless) spirituality, the Lay Advisory Committee involved in this project and I focused on a symbolic sacrament of Sabbath rest as a final step in which we attempted to express the parellels between the chaotic situation of immigrant life and the journey of the Israelites in Egypt. The Lay Advisory Committee and I then interpreted in a symbolic performance, the chaotic life of Korean immigrants as mammonism, including the educational success for their children, and depression. Just as the Israelites struggled in Egypt and in the wilderness until they safely reached Canaan, so too, my congregants have the opportunity to experience the resolution of a chaotic situation via liberation into and subsequently out of the wilderness through the final stage of shim worship.

Since Pentecost is not only the beginning of the church, but also the beginning of messianic fellowship, I consider Pentecost as a sacramental gateway, a moment of liberation into the Sabbath rest of shim worship in the immigrant church. In this way, Shim worship can be considered an embodiment of the messianic fellowship for the Korean immigrant church based on the experience of Sabbath rest (hanless, shim).

schoolThe Caspersen School of Graduate Studies, Drew University
degreeD.Min. (2015)
advisors Heather M Elkins
Joel Mason
committee Heather M Elkins
Joel Mason
full textYGPark.pdf