Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
authorJeremy Bartley Francis
titleBecoming Christ's Letter: Preaching Life's Experiences at Estridge Moravian Church, St. Kitts
abstractThroughout its one hundred and seventy five year (175) history, the pulpit of the Estridge Moravian Church located in Mansion, St Kitts has been filled by some of the finest preachers that the Moravian Church Eastern, West Indies Province has had to offer. These pastors and preachers have labored faithfully with their congregation, leaving a legacy of persons and lives touched and transformed by the Word of God.

In recent times, there has been a disconnection, a lapse between what is heard on Sunday mornings from the pulpit and how congregants transform words to living action. Often people cannot create a link between what is said on Sunday and what is done on Monday. There exists the need to feel (and know) an expanded understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Christ and how that discipleship can transform daily living. This paper, therefore, seeks to examine what it means to live a preaching life - preaching with one's life the Spoken Word in one's own experiences. Preaching revitalizes preacher and congregants when what is heard from the pulpit on Sunday is internalized, understood and translated into deliberate actions.

schoolThe Theological School, Drew University
degreeD.Min. (2015)
advisor Gary V Simpson
committee Carl Savage
full textJBFrancis.pdf