Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
authorDerrick Dumas
titleProject Reconciliation: Building Stronger and Healthier Relationships in Christian Community
abstractThis project was designed to evaluate and assess the status of relationships within Christian community while creating a contextual learning experience that examines how our relationship with Jesus Christ can have a positive impact on our relationships with each other. The intent is to cultivate an environment where a redemptive community is developed and the possibility of reconciliation is realized in human relationships.

The goal and object of Project Reconciliation is to examine the life and ministry of Jesus Christ through an expositional teaching and preaching series aimed at providing biblical examples and principles of how reconciliation is applied and achieved in human relationships. This project will seek to examine the ministry of reconciliation from a spiritual and strategic perspective as a process that begins in an individual and is worked out practically and strategically in the reconciliation of human relationships.

The project is intended to help our Church understand the value and significance of relationships, while considering practical strategies which can be implemented to create an atmosphere conducive for the establishment, development and reconciliation of relationships between members in community.

The project will include three phase (1) Pre-implementation Assessment Phase where the state of relationships at First Baptist Church will be assessed utilizing a survey tool distributed to our congregation (2) Implementation phase where a expository teaching and preaching program will be developed and implemented and (3) a Post implementation evaluation phase where a post-implementation evaluation survey will be distributed, collected, analyzed with the results communicated to our congregation. Results of this project will be aimed at developing programs and processes that encourage the development of stronger and healthier relationships while providing strategies whereby broken relationships are reconciled within Christian community.

schoolThe Theological School, Drew University
degreeD.Min. (2014)
advisor Gary V Simpson
committee Kathleen Flood
Joel Mason
Heather Elkins
full textDDumas.pdf