Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
author Charlene Youngsook Kang
title Developing a curriculum for global mission with a special emphasis on peacemaking and interfaith dialogue
abstract The aim of the project was to develop a course on global mission for Drew Theological School and affirm the need for curriculum development in mission at the United Methodist seminaries. It was an effort in facilitating opportunities for providing academic courses on mission with a special emphasis on peace-building in a multi-faith context. This particular course at the Drew Theological School, in active partnership with the General Board of Global Ministries, attempted to provide an opportunity to strengthen and extend theological education efforts for preparation of competent and compassionate leadership. For, in the heart of the matter in interpreting the meaning of mission and in learning to become peacemakers lies the importance of mission education.

In developing a curriculum for global mission, this project/thesis sees mission as missio Dei - God's mission. Taking a holistic understanding of Christian mission as missio Dei, this thesis aims to place special emphasis on peacemaking as part of mission, especially in a multi-faith context. The thesis claims that interfaith dialogue is a great basis in seeking common ground for God's purpose in history, and in working with neighbors of other faith traditions in a common cause to serve justice and peace.

Arguing that systematic changes are required in order to enhance mission education at seminaries, the thesis makes essential policy recommendations, including a suggestion to establish missiology as a required theological discipline at seminaries for both ordination and graduation.

In conclusion, the thesis invites Christian communities to create opportunities to enhance an understanding of mission in general and of peace-building in an interfaith context in particular. For the message of justice, peace and compassion is ultimately the core teaching of Christianity and also represents the core values of the other world faiths. God's new creation seeks justice, peace and freedom for all.

school The Theological School, Drew University
degree D.Min. (2007)
advisor J. Terry Todd
full textCYKang.pdf