Drew University Library : University Archives : Theses and Dissertations
author Robert John Duncan, Sr.
title The Power of a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
abstract "The Power of a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land" is a study of pilgrimage as a world-wide phenomenon that sees the purpose of pilgrimage as being a paradigm for life, the journey of pilgrimage as a prototype of faith, the history of pilgrimage as a journey of discovery, the goal of pilgrimage as a process of sacralization, and the experience of pilgrimage as a doorway to discipleship.

St. Augustine is credited with saying: "The world is a great book. They who never stir from home, read only a page." One of the most exciting and meaningful destinations especially for Christians is a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. For many it is a journey of faith, an agent of spiritual formation, a vocational experience, an act of religious devotion, and a doorway to discipleship.

Benefits from such a pilgrimage for laity are many, including increased Biblical literacy, enhanced spiritual awareness, development of current and future church leaders, and deepened commitment as disciples of Jesus Christ. Pastors discover that a Holy Land pilgrimage improves Biblical preaching, strengthens Bible teaching skills, and satisfies Continuing Education requirements. Pastors become students of the Bible all over again.

A step by step plan is offered on how to plan a pilgrimage, making it part of a total ministry plan. Resources are provided in the form of Scripture readings and hymns that are appropriate for each of the sites visited. A pilgrimage to the Holy Land is an experience never-to-be-forgotten. For many it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. People are transformed spiritually as they walk today where Jesus walked. Such a journey is truly a doorway to discipleship that changes the church, ministry, and lives. The detailed reported results of an anecdotal survey among many participants in a pilgrimage, strongly supports the thesis that there is power in a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

school The Theological School, Drew University
degree D.Min. (2001)
advisor William B. Presnell
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